Reviews for You're Mine
Dania chapter 15 . 10/25/2014
Are you trying to make me scared enough to stop loving Devon? If so you've succeeded somewhat...I can't stop this feeling that he can be redeemed or at least he can stay the way he is and ashlynns moral compass changes. XD on a side note of despair, it's been two years since your midterm. :'( have you given up on this story?
Dania chapter 14 . 10/25/2014
Yay Abbys back, cool twist! Tyler does not deserve to be her first time - he should feel the guilt pressing down on him!
Dania chapter 12 . 10/25/2014
Meh don't really care much for that team. But oemgee she's an incubus isnt she?! She trains energy from people she has sex with...
Dania chapter 11 . 10/25/2014
I don't ship her with Chase at all, he gave me a horrible first impression with the rudeness and the smoking and lip ring and annoyingness that has lasted since he was introduced, regardless of whether he's the 'good guy' or not.
Dania chapter 10 . 10/25/2014
Don't apologize for the dark theme, I love it and Devon - though explanations are owed.
augmentedDREAMS chapter 15 . 1/17/2014
It's been well over a year since you updated! Hope long do midterms last? Dx

UPDATE! UPDATE! I HAVE to read more! This is so awesome! .
NoheaAnoi chapter 15 . 2/17/2012
My mind is just full of...whoa. And that's a good thing! It's a very confusing, but suspenseful story, and I can't wait for the next one to come out :]
Sharky237 chapter 15 . 2/16/2012
So good! You have a fast pace with this story and I want to know more!


TheClosetWriter16 chapter 15 . 1/22/2012
Great chapter :)
CrazyInAGoodWay chapter 15 . 1/17/2012
completely confused...
Kcoarra chapter 15 . 1/3/2012
Hmmm... Wonder what Tyler is up to now. Guess I'll have to wait and see, but take your time updating. Midterms are more important.
insomniac895 chapter 15 . 1/3/2012
i kinds like devon! but i can't decide if he the good guy or the bad guy but still can't help but love him!

update soon! :)
SerubiApple chapter 15 . 1/2/2012
This has caught my attention and is really interesting. and I love the steamy scenes, you're good at them. Hope to read more soon )
Anehalia chapter 15 . 1/2/2012
Good luck with your midterms.

I enjoyed reading this chapter, and I can't wait for your midterms to be finished.
TheClosetWriter16 chapter 14 . 12/16/2011
I'm not THAT patient. But Im waiting :P

This story is quite confusing, but still good!
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