Reviews for Mother of Learning
Guest chapter 102 . 10/7/2019
This is honestly my favorite piece of literature this is my favorite piece of literature. I don’t think this is due to rose colored glasses of nostalgia either. Began reading this book when I was 12-13 about to be turning 21 now. I’m usually self conscious and don’t tell people about books I’ve read since I’m scared they might not like it and decide to judge me. This however is something I’m more than willing to share with any one unprompted
marvinkitfox chapter 102 . 10/4/2019
Ok, now THAT is a bit of a cliffhanger to end on!
marvinkitfox chapter 60 . 9/29/2019
WHY are they so very worried about fighting the Lich?
They have a simple, *easy* way to banish it. That coin-construct that he used earlier.
Surely if a student could make one on short notice, then its not a particularly difficult thing to make many, many, many copies of. And the Lich just has to *touch* it to be banished.
marvinkitfox chapter 19 . 9/27/2019
I have just one complaint about this story.
WHY didn't you warn me it would be so compelling!?
It's now 3:25 am, I have to get up at 5:30 for work, and I have no intention of breaking off from this story for something as mundane as sleep.

I initially stumbled a bit over the unfamiliar names and naming patterns, and being thrown higglety-pigglety into a completely new world. But ... this world *grows* on the reader.

At this point, you have me (a full arachnophobe) completely immersed in the intrigue of a trans-timeloop alliance between a mage and a telepathic spider race. And actually enjoying it!
fdsfgs71 chapter 1 . 9/25/2019
Just an FYI, over on RoyalRoad there's an author's note for this chapter, which reads as follows:

Author's Note: The next update is going to be the last one. I'm going to post several chapters all at once as the ending. Since I'm having trouble estimating how long it will take to write this, and because all ending chapters thus far have been difficult, I am not setting a concrete target date for the next chapter. Instead, the next update will happen sometime in November. This is just an estimate. It could be published earlier, or it could be later than that.

Thank you all for sticking with the story until now, and I hope you enjoy the finale.
Guest chapter 102 . 9/25/2019
Beautiful story... captivating plot line and progressive character development
Guest chapter 1 . 9/22/2019
For anyone who were wondering why did Daimen complain about Mrva's name and Zorian taste: from Chroatian it translates to "Tiny". Considering how enormous the golem is, rivaling the dragon in size, Zorian sure has a sense of humor.
Anon chapter 102 . 9/19/2019
Fantastic chapter!
graveexcitement chapter 102 . 9/16/2019
i spent like an entire TWO DAYS reading this, and it is absolutely phenomenal. the time loop structure def hooked me, and i super enjoyed the worldbuilding & magic system. and the GIANT TELEPATHIC SPIDERS, oh my god, perfection. super enjoyable and compelling! definitely a favorite from now on.
Uwong chapter 102 . 9/16/2019
I feel like I could die from the thrill & curiosity from this waiting of the next chapters. This is so unbelievably awesome read. This is how a high quality book looks like, this should be made into a big buster movie, this should kicks Harry in the nuts!
Guest chapter 91 . 9/15/2019
Oh wow.

Thought this would be later, and that he'd read Zach's mind first.

Shame he didn't merge with his other self, killing him seems cruel when there are ways to merge souls, and since they are literally the same, there shouldn't be any issue there.
Guest chapter 89 . 9/15/2019
Well duh. This is why you don't bring in all the people, including the amoral ancient soul mate witch who studies Primordial cages and advocates mass invasive live autopsy on human souls.
Guest chapter 86 . 9/15/2019
Well at least he took care of the cranium rats. That's something. Now just to hope nothing else goes horribly wrong as it all too easily could.
Guest chapter 85 . 9/15/2019
Oh god this is just asking for betrayal, willingly or otherwise. So many points of failure, so many points of human greed and lust for power, weaknesses and loose lips and chance for discovery by enemies.

How would they even keep it hidden from the cranial rats? Just that alone sinks this. Not all can protect their minds and mind blank can't be maintained...

Urgh this can't end well.
Guest chapter 102 . 9/15/2019
Guest That is how many relationships are. You just forgive and forget and move on. That makes life easier and less complicated to deal with.
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