Reviews for Mother of Learning
Guest chapter 71 . 9/14/2019
Feels like it's glossing over things just for the sake of it. Damien did some pretty messed up stuff to Zorian, remember how Damien puppeteer him around against his will for spell practice?

And now because... some reason, Damien isn't as bad as Zorian thought? Nothing changed, Damien didn't apologise and doesn't act any different other than being older.

Taiven pushes him around and he just goes with it for nostalgia it seems, but it feels like he's less assertive than ever. Outside of combat, anyway.
Guest chapter 102 . 9/10/2019
Awesome chapter
sunshinewheat chapter 102 . 9/10/2019
I've been following this story from close to the beginning thanks to finding it on r/rational. I think I'm going to cry when it ends!
MileyRowling chapter 102 . 9/10/2019
Amazing job!
Guest chapter 102 . 9/10/2019
Awesome chapter as always! I can't wait for the finale but at the same time I don't want it to be over...
mortiferum9 chapter 102 . 9/9/2019
No exact date for the next one? That's a first. something really big is coming :D
Guest chapter 102 . 9/9/2019
praudmur speak only for yourself. I on the other hand don't mind waiting few weeks more if that means quality is maintained. Curb your impatience.
TwiFire chapter 102 . 9/9/2019

(Seriously though, the escalations are incredible. It must be incredibly nerve wracking to finish such a well recived project! You can do it!
Igor Zvorygin chapter 102 . 9/9/2019
Impressive. Great battle scenes with totally unexpected suspense at the end:
- Jornak's speach of setup prepared by Angels (to be honest, these Angels are far from how they are portrait elsewhere) - and Angel's silence on it
- extra party arriving at the scene with questionable goals and status.
In short - well done, thank you.
P.S. There are few typos, not critical, I guess they will be fixed later.
Guessst chapter 102 . 9/9/2019
AbbyTheNormal chapter 102 . 9/9/2019
I've been reading this since... i think even before zorian teamed up with the aranea? So i'm super excited for the finale :-) I'll admit i probably prefer Arcs 1 and 2 to Arc 3, but this is still one of the stories i'm most excited for updates. One minor question, is there a preferred way to send typos in? I'll be doing a full reread once the final update is out and keeping an eye out for them to try and help out.
fdsfgs71 chapter 102 . 9/9/2019
Please ignore the cynicism from the previous reviewer, the fact that you're the only author I've seen that's managed to update a story of such excellent quality so consistently so far is astounding, and I (and I know many other loyal readers as well) have no problem waiting an extra month updates for these last few chapters if that's what it takes to make sure that the quality remains excellent and that the ending sticks the landing.

Seriously man, fantastic work so far, and don't let any self-entitled naysayers make you think otherwise.
praudmur chapter 102 . 9/9/2019
Publishing chapters every 2 months is frustrating (for readers). I even forgot who Mrva was. ANyway it seems like the author is working on a new story and delaying this one so they can polish the new one and release it just as MoL ends. Gotta keep that patreon running, right?

Cool chapter though.
Dreamwolf59 chapter 102 . 9/9/2019
Wonderful chapter, very well written fight scenes.
I truly hope that both Zorian and Zack gets rewarded by more than just keeping their life.
Anonima chapter 102 . 9/9/2019
Great fight scene. Its exciting till the end.

Cant wait for the finish.
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