Reviews for Believe
Cazie chapter 33 . 7/3/2012
This story is amazing! I love every part of it and it is awesome. What sorta annoyed me (in the good way) was how in the last chapter you left us hanging... :l And you did that again, sort of. In this chapter it sorta keeps you wondering, and wishing that there is another chapter. I cant wait for it! :D Update soon!
Hayley Jade Alisdair chapter 33 . 7/3/2012
Intriguing... That bit with Jai was sad :'(
Can't wait for your next update :)
Princess97 chapter 32 . 7/3/2012
Cal killed someone? Woah. And I thought he was an angel.
Neverland.dream chapter 32 . 7/3/2012

Neverland.dream chapter 28 . 7/3/2012
WHY? WHy did Jai have to die? T_T

BTW, President Azure is just like President Snow form the Hunger Games.

LOVE this story! Though, it's a bit creepy and all... hahahha! :)
Guest chapter 32 . 7/2/2012
Nice! Very good ending for this chapter! :D This story is amazing and I really love it. When Caspa founs the hole in the wall, I got as excited as if I were really there (well, maybe not EXACTLY but close enough :D). Please update soon and continue to write as well as you are now!
Hayley Jade Alisdair chapter 32 . 7/2/2012
Cliffhanger much? I am so excited for the next chapter, thank you so much for updating!
StaySassy83 chapter 32 . 7/2/2012
:O Cal's a killer? Nice twist :)
Princess97 chapter 31 . 6/25/2012
They kidnapped the whole family?

Hey.. sorry, but can you tell me the chapter when he burned? I don't remember that scene.
serena1795 chapter 31 . 6/24/2012
Thank you for the chapter! please include more romance in the next chapter )
Cassadaga chapter 31 . 6/24/2012
Ooh I totally guessed that lol. I love this story so much, I can't believe it doesn't have more reviews! I'm hoping for more Rum/ Caspa moments but I trust that whatever you post will be awesome. Also I noticed she said the name Tommy which I assume is Finn and it made me wonder what Caspa's name is...can't imagine her as anything else...maybe Rachel haha. Can't wait for the next chapter!
StaySassy83 chapter 31 . 6/24/2012
Nice chapter :)
Hayley Jade Alisdair chapter 31 . 6/24/2012
That's a really sad twist... :(

I hope you update soon, I am really enjoying this story!
Hayley Jade Alisdair chapter 30 . 6/24/2012
WOW! This story is amazing, spectacular, brilliant! Please update soon!
serena1795 chapter 30 . 6/23/2012
Please write more after chapter 30! I love this story and want to find out what happens next. Thank you for writing such an amazing story and sharing it!
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