Reviews for Never Knew It was You |
Lily chapter 27 . 5/10/2016 I come back to this book from time to time, it was the first book i ever read on FP, I really wish you'd update it |
Ally chapter 27 . 5/27/2015 hoping u'll update soon it has been so long |
toffeema chapter 27 . 2/13/2015 cool, original plot! Please update! :) |
Guest chapter 27 . 12/11/2014 how come the kids didn't acknowledge anyone else other than Madison ? can you tell how many more chapters are left (in author notes )?pls nice work |
toffeema chapter 27 . 10/16/2014 this is such an interesting and creative plot! My favorite parts are the UST parts as well! I really do hope you continue this! :) |
Bahati chapter 27 . 8/20/2014 HEY YOU NEED TO UPDATE |
ally chapter 24 . 7/19/2014 U need to update! :( |
Lily chapter 27 . 7/12/2014 FINALLY I ALMOST QUIT ON YOU! I don't have an account, but I've been waiting on this story for a while, I first read it a year ago, great story. I LOOOOOVE the characters. |
Bookworm chapter 27 . 6/29/2014 I love that they are using Dr. Who to explain the whole timey wimey thing! I don't mind lacking UST chapters as long as there is Luke and Ronnie in the chapter! I also hope that it comes up soon that Ethan has a boyfriend just to see Luke's reaction! |
The Guest chapter 27 . 6/21/2014 Hi there. I stumbled across your story one late night (I'm a night-shifter). Somehow, in the blather of words on this website, I decided to keep reading yours. I like your stream-of-consciousness, raw style. You write exactly what goes on in a teenage girl's head in a way that both glorifies it and shows how ridiculous it can be. The story line somehow manages to be different, off the beaten path from your average teenage drama/romance, and yet still totally captures it. My one piece of criticism is grammatical: you seem to weave between present tense and past tense. It kind of throws me off, as choosing to write in present or past tense creates a completely different tone for a story. Most stories are written as if they already happened, and it flows nicer that way. Present-tense is more choppy, but serves a specific purpose (like allowing the narrator to be killed off) and when done well is quite moving. I would suggest you pick one or the other and stick to it. I've never watched Dr. Who (sadly, apparently I'm missing out) so some of the references are going over my head, but I'm getting more and more on the edge of my seat waiting to find out when these kids go back to the future, and how they'll get there. Keep writing. I used to write, got old and haven't done it as much. Never get out of the habit, never be afraid to be bluntly honest, and keep reading good literature to fuel the flames of writing in your soul! |
Infinite Sky chapter 1 . 6/19/2014 So for some dumb reason FP won't allow me to post this review on the latest chapter. Hence why I'm posting it here Ok, so I finally read the whole thing over again. Aha, I forgot how hilarious it was, and I actually had forgotten who Evan was, so I'm glad I read it again. That scene in the mall was soo funny. Some of it was still a tad confusing, but it's such a long book so I guess it must be pretty hard to fix and edit everything. For example, in the chapter where Ronnie leaves the Connor house, she tells Luke she'll be there for the New Year, but then she ends up spending it with her own family. Maybe I missed something, but that was a tad bit confusing to me. Anyway, please update soon! |
MethodlessMadness chapter 1 . 6/18/2014 Hmm...interesting. You do a good job with the kids' voices; they sound like real kids. (Short on words today so this is gonna sound weird...) A couple things: I do like your writing style, but it's a bit...unreliable, I guess you would say. You tend to switch from present to past tense and back again...keep an eye out for that. Also, when doing dialogue (gods I spelled dialogue "dyaloge" and that is how i know that I need sleep), don't mush things together into one paragraph. Make a new paragraph every time you switch speakers. I guess that's preetty much it, but I gotta go now, so...bye. This is good though. It's a nice attention-grabber. |
MyHeart's4Above chapter 1 . 6/15/2014 Hehe this was cute and short. But that is okay. I am from RH, just reviewing your story. What I like about this little chappie was that it got to the crux of the matter quickly. They stumble upon the time machine (if that is what it is, lol) right away, and it ends on a good action-y cliffy, which is ultra exciting. The children, the young one is cute, and the brother is as well with his trying to keep tabs on Ynna. Nice Job. :) |
isabelleflorendo chapter 27 . 6/15/2014 Good chapter! It's good that you're mentioning the time traveling thing and I hope there's more Ronnie/Mikey interaction because I feel like ronnie and luke are ignoring mikey. Anyway update soon :) |
mylittleprincess chapter 27 . 6/14/2014 next chapter please :D |