Reviews for White Magic
B chapter 68 . 12/14/2012
Ardis! Ardis! Ardis!

Tough luck on your NaNo story:( Sometimes it's hard to get the words to flow. But I have faith in you!
Hayley Jade Alisdair chapter 68 . 12/14/2012
Yay! An update! Very happy to see this chapter! I hope you write more soon :D
theDollophead chapter 67 . 12/3/2012
It's nice to see Capron finally falling in love with Ardis :)
It's December now...update?
Hayley Jade Alisdair chapter 67 . 11/22/2012
Can totally sympathize about NaNoWriMo... So much typing! I love this story though, it is brilliant, so many twists! Sorry if anything is misspelled, iPhone autocorrect is screwy
Catrissa chapter 67 . 11/21/2012
Um, um... How are you going to break the curse on Capron? I want them to get married, have a couple of babies, and live happily ever afterrr!
B chapter 67 . 11/21/2012
FINAL CHAPTERS? What? But this story is so short! Wait... no, it is like 66 chapters... Well, it felt short! Hahaha, I like where things are going:) The climax seemed perfect for me, but that is just me! I was so caught up in the moment, it worked. Yay! I am not the only one doing NaNoWriMo! Goodluck, girlfriend! Can't wait till December!
MavistheMad chapter 67 . 11/21/2012
Ms Julia chapter 67 . 11/20/2012
Okay good lol I got worried it was over! You did good :) and can't wait to read your next update in dec!
1supergirl4 chapter 67 . 11/20/2012
Great job on the new chapter! I look forward to the next chapter! :)
spottedfire98 chapter 66 . 11/15/2012
Wow, super Ardis :P
Astra Orthyr chapter 2 . 11/13/2012
just the first chapter and I LOVE this (*0*)
B chapter 66 . 11/12/2012
What is she going to dooo? Put them to sleep? Turn them into bubbles? Transport them? What? Alright, it would really be nice if I could just shut up and let you tell me what is goin to happen next, right?
Yeah, not gonna happen. Goodness so much happened in this chapter! The fact that she got them to stop for a few minutes was impressive to say the least. The fact that Capron spoke to here a few times with his mind made me smile. I relish every time he is caring with her. I am really upset with the knights and the magicians. I don't want either side to win. War is an ugly thing. There was a reason why women were not aloud to fight in the older days. *Shivers* The fact that Capron watched her spazzing out made me almost laugh. Yes, I think he will take good care of her in the future. But, what did she mean when she said that he knew what must be done? WHAT IS SHE DOING?

Please update before I send Homeland Security after you. What? The fact that you are withholding important information is truly criminal!
Ms Julia chapter 66 . 11/11/2012
Pleaseeeee update soon!
MavistheMad chapter 66 . 11/11/2012
Rienne Blackrose chapter 66 . 11/11/2012
asdfghjkl please update soon! I LOOOOOVE your story 3 C'est le cliffhanger!
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