Reviews for White Magic
B chapter 90 . 5/4/2017
Ahhhhhh! AHHHHHHHH! She's alive and back in her body! WHAT GLORY! WHAT GRACE! My world is all and good again. Thanx for the chapter! Are we close to the end or are we in store for some more of your wonderful writing?
Kaito Yokushini chapter 90 . 5/4/2017
AMAZING STORY! Plz update as soon as you can i cant get enough of this!
It's Nyx chapter 90 . 5/2/2017
So happy the wait is over! I just had to reread the rest of the story to remember the plot lol. this chapter is great. Keep on writing!
aj.garcia.1428921 chapter 85 . 3/30/2017
Still alive and still waiting.
B chapter 89 . 3/20/2017
Oh my oh my! We have come such a long way! The end it's near! I can feel it! Find her Capron! Find her! Help! Reader drowning in curiosity! Help!
Gothling chapter 89 . 11/13/2016
I started reading and couldn't stop. I've stayed up until 2AM these past few nights because I HAD to see what happened next! I sincerely hope you haven't given up this fine piece of work and will update soon! I really enjoy the amount of twists and turns that just seem to draw you in ever deeper. It's my opinion that you've created charming characters with good development as well as a good original plot/storyline. Not to mention I really adore your world building skills concerning this story! I honestly hope I can write as good as you one day!
aj.garcia.1428921 chapter 89 . 9/18/2016
What what what? What will happen? It has been so long I hope you will continue these wonderful updates. Please do!
Bookworm chapter 89 . 8/11/2016
You're killing me with these cliff hangers! Update soon!
thedollophead chapter 89 . 8/6/2016
I'm so glad you've updated! This is by far my absolute favorite story on FP. Things are getting so intense now, and yet I find I'm liking Torin more and more. But each of your characters are so deep and so real, it only contributes to the depth of this story. Please update soon!
Marriam chapter 88 . 8/5/2016
I suggest maybe having this as book one and ending it. there are definitely a little to many chapters. (no offence) Put a shout out for a book two. It might even give you more time to think about whats next.
It's Nyx chapter 88 . 8/5/2016
I saw this story while I was just browsing and thought why not. By chapter 5 you had me hooked and I read all the way to the end of the story without an end. now i'm on the edge of my seat with anticipation for the next chapter. Your characters are well built but I fell Imara has more to her, as is her death wasn't quite here end. Hmmm might be just me. As usual I LOVE strong main roles, Ardis is no exception. Though fighting demons of many forms, the physical ones that wish her downfall and the mental ones that hold her back, she still has great power that keeps me interested. I'm ready and I suppose everyone else for her to train and focus her powers. Who know what could happen.
Guest chapter 87 . 7/21/2016
Too many chapters but the length is small, maybe you could compile few chapters into single chapter... also please update. You just left it at's a start of whole new stuffs, like second part of the book. Please update...Oh just for these last few chapter, I feel like slapping Capron at his indecisiveness and stupidity; oh wishing Torin would be cripple... princess is the major bitch, for it seems she defeats nadia in that bitchiness :p for nadir has her reasons ... Felix, that poor guy, trying his best, he is cool... Adrissa is kickass when she stands up for herself and all the injustice.
Update soon
Guest chapter 87 . 12/23/2015
i am so excited to see what happens next! I've been following this doc for years! I'm so excited to read more!
aj.garcia.1428921 chapter 86 . 12/23/2015
Wow. Oh dear. I somehow missed this chapter! I was curious how Capron got her killed. He held the dagger, but it was what she wanted. It makes things a little easier to swallow. I just want them to live happily ever after!
aj.garcia.1428921 chapter 87 . 12/23/2015
I feel too greedy. I want more.

As far as your writing goes, I still love it. The only advice I would give is to know the world your characters are in. When you imagine a room or the forest, describe it as Ardis sees it. The last part of this chapter leaves me to wonder where exactly Ardis is. If a reader will question it, write it out.

Apart from that, the development is good. Some chapters feel a little like filler, but that always happens when you have no idea where the story is going. Poor Capron is going through a lot and I can't help but wonder what is going on inside his head. What would I give to hear his thoughts again? I lot. The creatures, the adventure, the peril- it all comes together to make an unforgettable story. There are so many chapters that I may forget little things. However, I have never forgotten about you and I check weekly to see if you have written.

Writing isn't about perfection (though good grammar helps). Writing is about telling a story. And by Joe, you have told a good one! Keep going until your fingers can't anymore!
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