Reviews for White Magic
B chapter 87 . 12/22/2015
I was about to be very upset that you killed her, but now... YOU ROCK! Bringing her back from the dead in a different body was genius. Loved reading this. Update soon, woman!
izzy chapter 86 . 12/20/2015
my jaw dropped when i read the email that this had updated! i'm really glad you decided to keep updating~
geeyeahyeah chapter 85 . 10/13/2015
I didn't know I was part of this website. I was the previous comments, just giving more love to these reviews!
Geeyeah chapter 85 . 10/13/2015
What a great chapter! I'm waiting patiently for the next one! I do hooe this has a good ending, because reading ardis and capron scenes are my favorite!
Geeyeah chapter 84 . 10/13/2015
Girl, keep strong! This js tbw second time I am rereading this story, and I will, stay with you until you finish. This has been a long journey and I am excited to see where it leads to. You're an amazing writer, and I love where this story has been going. I have one more chapter until I am caught up, and I just want to tell you that when I find a great story I just can't stop reading. It's 5 in the morning and I'm kind of sad that the next chapter will the last for a while. Keep it up, and stay strong!
B chapter 85 . 10/2/2015
AHHHH! Where is Capron?' SAVE HER!
Bookworm chapter 85 . 5/13/2015
You're alive! I feel like it's been forever! I can't wait to see what Capron will do!
B chapter 85 . 5/13/2015
Capron! Hurry! Save Ardis, kiss her, and live happily ever after! Daaaaaaahhhhh! Well, it's great to hear from you InkedGirl. You have been missed. :)
theDollophead chapter 85 . 5/12/2015
Ugh I've been waiting for this forever XD I totally saw the Nadia thing coming omg I was waiting for that XD Poor Ardis, though /3 You're so evil to her :'( The whole Capron-has-to-kill-her bit is so tragic /3 Please don't end it badly? Please? And update soon, for the love of God XD
JW chapter 9 . 3/24/2015
Logical question here:

How is it possible that they don't have enough money to buy some pieces of bread, but they do have money to pay for jailbreaking?
B chapter 84 . 10/17/2014
JACKPOT! You are getting things as a writer. We grow, we change, and (hopefully) become better. I like how you leave a lot to the imagination. Although, there are a few points that I am questioning. Such as, who is she fighting? The woman inside her? I'm going to assume so.
And was she manipulated to kill everyone? That's a little dark for her... But maybe she only set the room on far? Oh, Ardis, hang on!
geeyeah chapter 83 . 10/15/2014
I'm so glad you updated! I really like reading this story. Hang in there with life! Cheers.
Katie chapter 84 . 10/9/2014
I've been following this story ever since you started writing, I'd like to day i'm so happy you've updated and this chapter was good so no need to worry. I can't wait to see what the future hold for Ardis and Capron.

All the best, Happy writing :) xx
theDollophead chapter 84 . 10/7/2014
I have been waiting SO long for this chapter! I've followed this story since...oh God...since 2012. Every update you give is just...aijfdoaffaaer;era :D (that was a compliment, I promise). I'm glad you've decided to keep going with this. Seeing all that you've learned while being in love and growing up crop up in your writing will be worth every minute of the wait. Keep it up, InkedGirl!
Guest chapter 83 . 9/4/2014
Hey! I just finished reading up to where you have uploaded, and I have to say I loved it. Really. This is the second time I've read it, but the first time the last chapter uploaded was close to forty, so when I saw you were up to eighty three, I thought I might as well reread the whole thing.
I was so interested by it, I didn't mind at all. And I finished in two days.
Though some chapters around the part where they fight Nadia and Osra are a bit confusing, I think it is a great story. It has a good plot and intriguing characters with a good development. I did notice typos and errors now and then (You should probably reread for those. It happens to everyone. It's horrible), but overall it was well written.
To sum it up, I loved it, and I hope you update soon (but no pressure).
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