Reviews for Soldiers of the Black Plague
Maury Hime chapter 1 . 7/30/2002
Interesting story. I've read this like back in March and I didn't review it...I'm such a baka at times.

Anywayz, this was quite an interesting story. Nice job.
Britz chapter 1 . 5/31/2001
DAMN! That was fantastic! I could not take my eyes off the screen, it was a work of brilliance, a masterpiece, top-quality grade-A horror.
Dreamstrifer chapter 1 . 5/30/2001
Heya! I like this one too, very weird. "There’s not a soul alive who can’t navigate the building." Too true of Metro my friend, too true. But fuhrmann did tell me he got lost on his first day there. He would! Are there any tunnels at Metro that you haven't told anyone about, Darce?