Reviews for Stealing Kisses
a speck of pollen on the wind chapter 7 . 3/18/2012
I admit (it is high time for me to do so) that I posess the bad habit to read on to the last chapter and review, if it is not a fresh story. You have probably seen my review on your other story, The Sound of Music, which I liked quite a lot. Stealing Kisses, up until the current chapter, is very good, in my opinion. Your characterization of an insecure, worried teenager named Morgan Lancaster is very realistic; she is portrayed as any typical teenager would be without exaggeration or melodrama. Charlotte seems like the type of girl to use her relations to wreck someone's life, and Iwasaka is just the person to do that. I like how you incorporate different races into your story, but I see that the protagnist's faithful companion is Caucasian this time. Which brings me to her. Alice is a very fresh character, a fresh start. I like her spunky attitude, her tomboyish streak. It has a certain charm. Could it be that she is actually falling for Mr. Bronze? Interesting name, by the way. I have a brother named Derek. He's very annoying. Ms. Annie reminds me of my math teacher. She's very...cheerful and wonderful and all of that. Her personality rdaiates life and love every day. I have a feeling something is transpiring between her and Eirik.

Which brings me to the men. Eirik Lancaster is my favorite character out of the entire seven chapters that you've currently posted. He's charming, handsome, not to mention has a British Orkney accent, and he's the type to stick up for Morgan and be serious when he wants to. And he's very flattering; the charm definitely worked on Annie. Derek is a typical jock, but not entirely typical, it seems, since he excels in English. That's a good characterization of personality for him. Daniel Ainsworth seems like the insecure Golden Boy who's got a catalyst for his ultimate emotional apocalypse. Morgan's father is a very laidback man. I like that. And her brother is so very adorable.

As for Mason, he deserves his own paragraph. I must confess I am amazed at how much depth a sexy, hot-god schoolboy has. Or at least how much you've given him. He's a real person, he deals with his troubles, and he's pining away at this girl who is so insecure that it's unbelievable. I like it. He could be the prince to her princess. Morgan and Mason seem to be made for each other. He focuses on her, ignores Charlotte who is plotting doom, and doesn't seem to be bothered by the newspaper article because he knows Morgan better. Wow. These little details are wonderful!

The one little peeve I had was the one reoccuring from my earlier review; not much description. Besides having red lockers and dirty tables for lunch rooms, some readers do want to know what the school looks like, who the health teacher is. There's a description of the Art classroom, sure, but what of Calculus or the cafeteria, or Biology or foreign language? Details, details.

But this is mainly wonderful and great, and I like it.
Vivace.Assai chapter 7 . 3/17/2012
Very interesting chapter. The twist you threw in this chapter was so surprising that I kind of can't comprehend what just happened. It will take a few hours for the information to sink in. But anyways, I'm sorry if this review will be rather short. I've been gone from school for two days for this conference thing, and now, I have so much to catch up on and study for.

I thought the Charlotte fiasco thing was surprising. I didn't imagine that was how she would try to ruin Morgan, but I guess it wasn't really effective (Mason didn't really seem bothered by it). I also enjoyed Eirik's introduction (I hope I spelled his name right). The guy is just hilarious, and his scenes with Morgan just highlight another side of her personality that we don't really see. And that side is her slightly strange and eccentric side that somehow gets hidden in her shyness and vulnerability. She definitely has a really interesting personality, and I'm glad to see that you developed more of it in this chapter.

And now the ending... what? That's dramatic. And you did the ending so simply, too. Mason just said it offhandedly and at a moment you wouldn't expect. Granted, that is a realistic way to reveal things. I'd imagine that I would probably say something major like that in the way Mason did. So, you definitely portrayed the scene realistically. Still, I can't believe where this plot is going. I expected it to be this rather simple romance story, but it's gotten a lot more realistic and dramatic. The plot is taking turns that I'd never expect, and that definitely helps in making it more unique.

Thanks so much for the interesting read. I'm interested in seeing what's going to happen next in this story... I wonder how Morgan is going to react.

Signing off...
EmeraldLily chapter 7 . 3/16/2012
Aww. :( At least Morgan can make Mason feel slightly better. And it's no wonder he's sleep, poor guy! Update soon!
audacityofmymind chapter 7 . 3/16/2012
I honestly love this story. Your characters and plot are amazing, I just want to read more and more. Please please please update faster, waiting is horrible! :)

Anyway, just wanted to say how awesome this story is. Keep writing !
Vivace.Assai chapter 6 . 3/13/2012
Ah, you updated! When I saw this update last night, my heart literally soared. But then, I was too tired and had a "quiz" (rather an exam) to study for, so I regrettably pushed this story aside. But anyways, getting on with the review... nice chapter! I really enjoyed it.

I'm glad to see that the plot has progressed in some direction. I was wondering when drama would occur or events would change, considering that for the last few chapters it was more little tidbits of Morgan and Mason - cute, good at character development, but not that plot propelling. But this is definitely an interesting plot development, and I am very curious to see what happens with this Charlotte fiasco.

The little exchange between Morgan and Mason was adorable. Mason is a great character, since he is rather down-to-earth despite his popularity and what would be expected of him. He basically goes against any basic stereotypes. And that part with Daniel and Mason... very hilarious. I'm curious to see why Mason wanted to talk to Morgan though...

Only one minor confusion I had with the chapter. As Mason talks with Daniel, you mention: [Then, he looked at me innocently, and the mirage of him appearing innocent completely vanished.] I don't get how he would not appear innocent anymore if he looked at her innocently. Maybe I'm not reading the scene correctly, but I just wanted to not that one thing which kind of stopped the flow of reading for me.

Anyways, thanks so much for this lovely chapter! I was so glad to see that you updated, since I enjoy this story so much. I hope you update soon (though I do understand you must be very busy)!

Best of luck! Thanks for the great read!

Signing off...
LiberryBooked chapter 1 . 3/13/2012
This looks really cute! Looking foraward to reading more :).
HungerInHerEyes chapter 6 . 3/13/2012
Great story :)
SkyHeart chapter 6 . 3/13/2012
I was so happy when I saw you had updated! Great chapter, as usual.
Cassandra Elizabeth chapter 1 . 3/13/2012
I really like the main character. She seems really genuine and thoughtful eapecially with the hand thing. Um I just don't like that one line where he says that most girls can't talk directly when he's here. It makes him a bit arrogant but I can tell thY he's not that kind of guy. Plus everyone has their air head moments. ~PurpleEmoChick
Percabethgirl2645 chapter 6 . 3/12/2012
Ooh... They're falling for each other. I wish I could play piano like morgan. Damn you, tiny hands!
EmeraldLily chapter 6 . 3/12/2012
This is getting really exciting. :) Just wish there was a little more Mason/Morgan. xD Update soon!
i heart music chapter 5 . 3/1/2012
this is soooo good. you need to update soon or else i might die
SkyHeart chapter 5 . 2/14/2012
Still loving your story. Update fast :)
Vivace.Assai chapter 5 . 2/13/2012
I was so excited to see that you updated. I really think that a smile instantly formed on my face and my heart began soaring in anticipation. And, well, this chapter didn't really help mellow me down in mood. In fact, while I read through the whole thing, I felt my smile growing wider. I seriously think I stretched my facial muscles too much for their own good.

Anyways, it was a brilliant chapter. I loved Cody so much. He's just TOO cute. And as for the kiss between Morgan and Mason, one thought only went through my mind at that time: "Oh my..." and a gasp... I just kind of feel so sorry for Morgan, since she continues to not have enough confidence... When I read that part where she thought the smile was probably not directed to her, I really wanted to knock some sense to her.

The development of the plot has really been interesting though, and I really can't wait to read the next chapter!

Also, though this might be a day early, I might as well just wish you it:

Happy Valentines Day (or rather Singles Awareness Day for certain people *cough*me*cough*)!

Best wishes!

Signing off...
Vivace.Assai chapter 4 . 1/29/2012
Sorry, I didn't want to bother longing in.

But anyways, I loved the chapter. There was the right amount of humor and the right amount of possible romance indication between Morgan and Mason. I'm starting to realize that Mason liked Morgan for a long, long time though.

What I really like about this story is that I do feel like I can relate to Morgan. I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm going through the same school stuff she's going through with and I can see someone of my grade in her exact shoes.

Anyways... Thanks for the great read!

Can't wait to read more of this interesting story!

Signing off...
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