Reviews for On the Run
dream-beautiful chapter 23 . 7/17/2013
Wow I had no idea this happened. I was just going to re-read CC sometime this month. That really fucking sucks. I can't even describe how much that fucking sucks, wow. I've been plaigiarized just once but hearing about it happen to other people just makes me cringe. It's something I would wish upon no one, that feeling of hopelessness. Good for you for continuing to write though! I understand completely why you want to remove them from here, and it's long been time that Fictionpress do something about all the plaigarism, I maen they don't even have anything that prevents copy/paste (I'm 16 with 0 computer experience and even I know a simple html code that'll prevent that on my blog!).

Anyways, thank you so much for all your stories. Thank you for all the laughs and cries and angry noises made at my computer screen. I've fallen in love with your characters over and over again each time I read one of your stories, and I have sincerely enjoyed every single one. I'll look for you over on livejournal, leave an update here whenever you do start posting! Good luck :)
xx dream-beautiful
use.less.woman chapter 2 . 7/16/2013
This stinks! I loved your stories and this one in particular.
NverSayNver chapter 23 . 7/16/2013
Do you plan on re-posting your old stories on live journal?
Niji Hirasawa chapter 23 . 7/16/2013
I am SO sorry to hear that! Whomever was the one to take your story, fret not; they will get what's coming to them. Despite that, I'm glad to hear that you will keep writing and I'll keep an eye out for your creative genius. Good luck with your future stories!
CaityLightning chapter 23 . 7/16/2013
Oh gosh Jackie, it's disgusting that someone had plagiarized you.. I don't even know what to say besides, thank you so much for posting your stories on FictionPress, even if it was for a short time : ) I'm so glad that you shared your stories on here and that I had a chance to read them! I'm so so so sorry this had to happen to you, and it's sad that you're not posting anything else on this site- but with the circumstances, I can obviously see why you are. Always remember you are an amazing writer and we, as the readers of FictionPress, will always support you and your decisions.

Best of luck for the future : )
dreams of paradise chapter 23 . 7/16/2013
Wow, sorry to hear about your Nigerian-scammer situation. Are you able to sue or at least recover the money that she earned off of your story? Hope so, the whole thing seems like a huge bummer. But as a selfish reader I'm so happy that you're not giving up on writing entirely as seems to be the case with a lot of plagiarism victims. Haha, I look forward to following you on LJ. (Wattpad is another safe place for posting stories, I hear)
molly mccauly chapter 23 . 7/16/2013
Jackie, thanks SO much for posting your stories here, limited time even. I hope you will continue to write. I don't write, but so enjoy reading your work. Good luck, and I hope to read your work in the future (published/posted by you!).
Megsi chapter 23 . 7/16/2013
I'm so sorry that happened :( I'd be absolutely shattered! Good luck on a new site. I'll try and follow you wherever you go, I've really enjoyed reading your stories!
somewherecoldviasocal chapter 23 . 7/16/2013
Ugh. This why we can't have nice things. I'm bummed you're having to go through this. But where ever you go, I'll definitely be there to read your stuff. I'm in love! You're such a great writer! :)
A Different Kind of Yellow chapter 23 . 7/16/2013
Hi Jackie

That's so awful that someone plagiarised your story. I have to say I really enjoyed On The Run and was enjoying your sequel too! Will you post all your next chapters onto live journal then? I will look for you, I think you're an amazing writer and your stories are always well thought out and very descriptive.

Good luck in the future, and I hope to buy one of your stories on amazon, published by you this time (maybe On the Run?).

flunkybubbleshorts chapter 23 . 7/16/2013
I'm shocked and angry at all plagiarizers. I'm disappointed in people and really upset over their dishonesty. And, like you, I am laughing (very hollowly) that this has hit one more amazing writer.

I can't even imagine how you are feeling.

2 yrs ago when I realized that ppl were slowly leaving FP because of these issues I was just a little peeved. Selfishly, I admit. Because all I could really think of was how I wouldn't get to read great stories anymore. While I understood why authors wanted to take their stories off, I was still thinking of myself.
Maybe I've grown since or maybe it's just the extent to which things have deteriorated. I now feel thankful that your stories are off. I can't imagine an author never being able to publish their work in the future because it has been stolen before it's even complete.

I hope the write away works out for you. (And I hope my membership hasn't expired due to inactivity). More importantly, I wish you all the love luck and karma in the world. Keep writing!
Jessie L. Star - AKA star123 chapter 23 . 7/16/2013
Best of luck with everything you do from here on in, Jackie. I'm so glad I got to read your stories and so very sorry that you were taken advantage of. Cheers, Jess
NverSayNver chapter 22 . 7/8/2013
I cannot belive that someone would go so low to get their name and money that doesn't belong to them! I wanted to read The Difference Knowing Makes today, and I saw your messages. That's so rude! I hope that there is some way to get the stories back!
toffeecakesxox chapter 21 . 6/25/2013
Authors like you are the reason my standards are so high. Freaking Ryan. Goodness gracious, they are the cutest things :D

Perfect ending (:
toffeecakesxox chapter 20 . 6/25/2013
I have no idea why I stopped reading for so long, but OMG I missed these two so much, I didn't even realize. My face hurts from all the smiling. FKDHFAHGS I LOVE YOU FINALLY. I squealed. Like. Legit.
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