Reviews for On the Run
Devilish Kisses chapter 5 . 12/12/2012
PinterestLife. Nuff said.

Furthermore, I am very entertained by this story! Can't wait for the romance bit to happen :)
Bookworm-At-Starbucks chapter 21 . 12/11/2012
GIRL! I have to say this is one of those really cool endings that I read on this site and what more icy cool is a date at a shooting range? Love it, you're one of those authors who has awesome work on here, and I think after you put the word "Complete" on this story - like at the blurb or something - more viewers and reviews will be coming in. So expect spam in your inbox!
Carmel March chapter 21 . 12/10/2012
That was...perfect. I might go into a period of mourning until the sequel comes, though, because I am going to miss Ryan and Tori so much! I loved the way you wrapped this all up - it was simple, cute, and gave us a sense of closure. I am really, really looking forward to the sequel (it's about Olivia, right?). Thank you so much for sharing this amazinnggg story with us! :)
Midnight113 chapter 21 . 12/10/2012
Aw, perfect ending! I'm so gonna miss this, really fantastic story - well done!
funnechick chapter 21 . 12/9/2012
Loved it! I just love them together! And the peanut butter and the spoon bit...hilarious! :) Sequel...huh? Can't wait. ;)
Elise Cromwell chapter 21 . 12/9/2012
Does this mean it's over? ;( I loved every second of this story while it lasted. Any time I got an update notification, my heart would jump in my throat and I'd have to stop and read it right there! Thank you for this piece of wonderfulness. :D
Anaeli chapter 21 . 12/9/2012
imperfectlyokay chapter 21 . 12/8/2012
I found this story right back when you started writing it, and I was sure that I'd put it on story alert and since I hadnt received anything I figured you'd given up on it. Luckily, I was browsing around for a story to read and found it again! Your characters were fantastic. Tori's personality and voice are so distinctive. Jeremy Rhider brought out a lot of hate in me. I think her escape was a little implausible, but it was still a good escape. I suck at writing action scenes, so you did a lot better with that than I would have done.

Overall a completely awesome story and you totally deserve all your reviews and the thing on A Drop Of Romeo (not sure what that is but I'm going to check it out now!) Wishing that I could write like you!
MissColly chapter 21 . 12/8/2012
I am a little sad about this story ending but I thought it was absolutely perfect from start to finish. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful ideas and writing talents with us, I truly am grateful. I really won't be surprised if I happen to pick this story up at the library in the next couple of years because your work is truly publish-worthy. I'm a little glad about this story ending because now you can focus more on your other story which seems like it's going to be just as amaaaaazing as this one!
Sparkly Sparkler the Sparkling chapter 21 . 12/7/2012
Ack, now I need to get over the fact that this story has ended. *blinks in a daze* THIS WAS (and is) AMAZING, THANK YOU!
heal me forever chapter 21 . 12/7/2012
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww seriously i totally enjoyed dis beautiful stry always :) cant wait for d sequel if u write it anyway i am in love wid dem
thanks for dis sharing dis amazing stry wid us
i teasure dis one :)
God bless (:
jjazmin chapter 21 . 12/7/2012
oh my god :( i cant believe it's done. but you did such an awesome job and i honestly cant remember how many times i've read this story all over again. thank you! and i'm looking forward to more stories in the future :D cheers!
Thess2002 chapter 21 . 12/7/2012
Wow! Sooo good. Loved the ending, and that it was not too cliché. This story has been a terrific ride, and I just wanted to thank you so much for sharing it with us. You are an awesome writer and I am really looking forward to reading more from you!
austenqueen chapter 21 . 12/6/2012
I LOVED this story. Sad to see it go, but it was all worth it (:
Guest chapter 21 . 12/6/2012
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