Reviews for DZ!
Razorine chapter 12 . 11/24/2013
Yey, suspense! *fanfare*

Oho, repetition! I was so surprised to see that first sentence that I wondered if I had accidentally traveled back to a previous chapter. orz

But yes, the Leader wants someone on the Ninth seat. Strange... peculiar... and interesting... ;D

Ah, Nex does sound quite annoying from your description. Too annoying in fact, and the added nasal feature about him just strengthens that fact. I have more respect for Miki since she's able to actually tolerate him. Nex really is annoying as a tuba player playing in the middle of a busy traffic jam held up by a dying cat parade. *nods*

Selena you bad girl! I knew you were dangerous!

And the search for Miki's Talent continues...

Will read more! ;D
Razorine chapter 11 . 11/24/2013
Ah, Rudegirl is actually Avy. My mistake *isn't sorry* And Nex has quite the reputation for being annoying as a tuba player playing in the middle of a busy traffic jam held up by a dying cat parade.


You can do it Miki! I must admit, 27 is quite the low score. I guess daydreaming comes with a price ;S

This Nex person must be interesting. Can't wait to see what his personality, and if he's really annoying as a tuba player playing in the middle of a busy traffic jam held up by a dying cat parade. x3

Will read more! ;D
Razorine chapter 10 . 11/24/2013
Oho, two new characters. Nex and Rudegirl. I like their names x3

Ah, Miki with her overflowing sense of optimism. She's quite fearless, eh? Nice to see that Rudegirl isn't that rude, although fledge is a term I'm interested by. Fledge, as in fledgling? A new bird in the nest? *eh?*

And Dizo appears! He's pretty popular, I must say. Popular enough to make Superdimensional Physics nothing but a breeze (well, except to some people *looks at Miki*).

And of course, the said girl didn't do so well in her exam. I hope Miki stays in DZ, because I still have high hopes for her (relationship with Eterno!) (*is shot*)!

Will read more! ;D
Razorine chapter 9 . 11/24/2013
Ah, Selena. Another shy girl like those in shojo mangas... then again... she could be harnessing some awesomely and dangerously powerful power that could explain what the title of the last chapter meant! *wut?*

Loved the interactions between Miki and Selena. I can picture the room despite the apparent lack of description. I remember you saying that you wanted your readers to imagine the scene rather than to describe it yourself, and thus limiting the readers' imagination. All in all, I think that's good thinking, although a few lines of adjectives won't hurt x3

Selena, cute? I suppose so. Right now I don't feel anything, but-! I have a feeling that could change. Hopefully. x3

Can't believe she ran away, though. Why, Selena, why?!

Will read more! ;D
Razorine chapter 8 . 11/24/2013
Ah, I see your style of writing now! Your simple yet deceivingly vague prose cunningly inserts some suspense and drama in the story to make us 'read in between the lines' if we wished to see where the story could be headed. Not only that, but it leaves a sort of bookmark-technique which keeps us interested and therefore hooked to the story!

*looks at analysis* Did I go a bit Watson there? ;F

But well. Appreciate the description, and hallo! A new character! Fai seems to be a keeper int he story, and I'm sure he'll be recurring from time to time.

Miki meets a mysterious girl in a building. Oh, how I facepalmed when she waved 'Hi!' with a grin, shattering the silence immediately. Ah, Miki, you're so chipper xD

Will read more! ;D
Razorine chapter 7 . 11/24/2013
Dat ending... depressed author who wrote a story that when read by others made them commit suicide? *is shot multiple times*

Eh? Emotion isn't allowed at the Council? What? Are they all dead inside? The Leader and G smiled in unison... and that's a historical event? What? *commences meltdown*

Ah, Chio again! I should actually call him Dizo now. Very well. Dizo is still lingering on about the pendant, and how did he know that Miki was going to pursue the Spirit? Is he a god or something? x3

And demigods. Creepy. *shudders*

Aww, more Eterno and Miki antics. Got to say, I'm glad that Eterno isn't the brooding guy I first thought him to be. He and Miki seem to be like brother and sister xD

Will read more! ;D
Razorine chapter 3 . 11/24/2013
First arc is coming to a climax already? Fast-paced, indeed!

First of all, love the way you focused on showing Eterno in a more different sort of third-person POV way. The laidback, toned-down kind. It does characterize his personality a bit more and gives that sort of atmosphere around him. And poor Shiori, thinking that Eterno was interested-interested in her. Good delivery through simple prose *yey!*

Agent Miki has come to an end as she meets Eterno on the roof. What will happen?!

Will read more! ;D
Ereh chapter 15 . 11/24/2013
They're searching for another girl... Oh my(tilde)

Haha! Jokes aside, I hope this arc turns into something really good. Of all the characters I've seen so far, I like Nex and second would be Red. :3
McMicah chapter 1 . 11/24/2013
It's an interesting first chapter. The new student Eterno has his sights set on our protagonist, but is his intent for good or evil? I have to read more to find out.
Ereh chapter 14 . 11/24/2013
Three girls... I like where this is going ufufufufu...

Jetpack Einstein Kittens. PFFFFFTTTT!

Spirit Squadron sounds cool though. They do get along really fast (and I'm liking it *shotshotshot)
Ereh chapter 13 . 11/24/2013
Either Nex was fabricating a story about the Heartbreak Spirit because it was him or it was Selene because she was tasked to do something. And there goes my random predictions.

We get two new characters again. Good chapter all in all. Ok that's it. xD
Ereh chapter 12 . 11/24/2013
Baack to reading DZ! Yey! I still love the length of each chapter! Gets me reading a lot. XD

I don't know. I think Miki was more annoying compared to Nex ahaha!

Getting to know more about the heartbreak spirit. This keeps getting interesting haha!
cud-b-better chapter 10 . 11/24/2013
The moment she is in, she risks getting kicked out again. The different species are really intriguing to me. I wonder if Miki will start to take her school work more seriously or will she be forever at the bottom just scraping by.
cud-b-better chapter 9 . 11/24/2013
Miki is just the type of girl who would be perfect to bring selena out of her shell. I think she was a bit too forceful however. Now I'm looking forward to seeing miki crash and burn on her test. I wonder just what Selena is hiding, is she related to that ghost thing, why does she hide out in that room?
cud-b-better chapter 8 . 11/24/2013
I thought it was really cute who miki rejected the notion of being called weird but didn't seem to be bothered about being called Eterno's girlfriend. The innocent remark of they get along so well showing her ever present dimwittedness. Now just who is this girl Miki has just met, time will tell I suppose. Fai seems like an Eterno clone however, I guess that is why they seem to be arguing, and judging by the way they were acting I'm guessing this is an everyday occurrence.

Anyway just a quick one

"At any rate, you took too damned long!" - I think it should be 'damn' instead, not sure however (my english is far from great I'm afraid).
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