Reviews for The Duke's Prisoner
freakazoid-13 chapter 43 . 4/8/2019
I won't leave, but it was SO SAD THO WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME?! ;_; ;_; ;_;

Wow, seriously, wow. This book is incredible. It's like 3 books all in one (Kasha's life, Rodan's life, and Kasha and Rodan's lives in the present). I am shook. It's just so good. Why isn't this a real, physical book in my hands that i can sob into and put down occasionally to sigh wistfully while looking longingly out the window?

I try to read it while I'm on breaks at work, but then I don't wanna come back from the breaks DX
But I've finished my work for the day so nyahaha *twirls mustache* time to read all i want!

Plus i've gotta binge read the bad parts like pulling off a band aid. OHHH mY hEART!

All my love,

freakazoid-13 chapter 27 . 4/6/2019
Oh no, I'm scared to keep going. I know what's going to happen. The only consolation I have is my secret theory that Abele isn't dead and that the evil rapey cousin (i can't remember his name just now, which is exactly what he deserves. Jova, i think?) had him stolen and imprisoned/tortured as revenge because of almost beat him to death, and that he planted Abele's things on some poor corpse (because it's very suspicious that it was a beheaded corpse and no one ever found the head).

i've switched to listening to the new Billie Eilish album, which I think is fitting for the second half of the story. Listening to "bury a friend" and it is *chef's kiss* for the end of this chapter.


freakazoid-13 chapter 19 . 3/28/2019
okay, so I know this story is seven years old, but forgive me, i'm discovering it for the very first time, and holy shit... where have you been all my life? I'm in love? I should be working, and sleeping, but instead I'm reading this story with a bottle of wine and living my best life. Marry me?

Anyway, I'm ploughing on. I promised myself I'd read just one more chapter but... just *one* more couldn't hurt?

Also, I think you should know that this story goes very well with Hozier.


freakazoid-13 chapter 18 . 3/28/2019
*inarticulate screaming*
Atlanas E. Kildarin chapter 56 . 6/7/2018
This story is an incredible example of character development to the point where it even becomes one of the focuses of the narrative. Never have I changed my mind so thoroughly about one character. In the beginning, I nearly put the story down one time based on just how uncomfortable Kasha’s character was, but then I sat back and wondered about revenge and what drives people to it. Would I do something similar? Would my family, friends, or husband do something similar if it was me who was lost? I was surprised to find that the answer to some of these questions was “yes.” If I was lost and they had the means, one of them might go the lengths Kasha did to hurt a man who he thought was guilty of taking away a loved one. I kept reading, but in the back of my mind I thought he never would be able to make up for what he had done. Both Rodan and Kasha, in my opinion, by the end make up for their mistakes. By the end, Kasha really is a different person, but different for the better. Mind you, I looked at Deviant artwork of Abele and discovered the big plot twist early on by looking at a comment (nooooo! Do not look at Deviant art comments, people!) but I already guessed the plot twist before that. Despite that, I was fascinated by how everything in the narrative fit so well together. How would the plot twist effect everything? I can’t see any other ending happening in this situation and I was wondering when Kasha’s wrong doings would surface again and how. When they did surface again, he really is a different character, but the things he did will always follow him. The last scene is a testament to just how far Rodan and Kasha have come as characters. Thank you for posting such a brilliant story.
Guest chapter 56 . 2/5/2018
This is an amazing story that deserves more recognition. I have been totally addicted to it, on and off—to think that several times, I read the first few paragraphs and thought it was way too eloquent for me! I do wish that Kasha had developed something more with Rodan, but your writing made me realize how complex thought and emotion truly are, and just holy shit. I’ve run out of words; this was an utterly amazing experience.
endlessangels chapter 56 . 11/18/2016
This story kept me up until 4am. I normally read books with more smut, but I honestly could not put this down. I thank you for your dedication to writing a book with a 266k word count. I love the characters, and their development. The world you created is intricate and you deal with controversial subjects with ease. This book was highly entertaining and I'm so glad that I found your writing. The plot twist was beautifully executed. I would have preferred the story be shorter, in three separate "books" instead of parts, so that I could have gotten some sleep. Much luck with your writing! (Also please PM me when you get this published, I would love to own a hard copy.)
Cam chapter 56 . 10/30/2016
5 years later pleaseeeeeeee of both rodam And kasha. Hope they see each other again.

Thanks for such beautiful story.
GrimIsaac chapter 15 . 9/7/2016
*Has fun torturing Jova*
moi chapter 6 . 7/1/2016
Ahhhhhhhhh! I'm loving this so far! I love Kasha and Ophaeli and all the snobbery. Wonderful, it's all simply wonderful!
1986 chapter 55 . 6/26/2015
Another really good story. Thank you
I have to admit that i was rooting vor Ronan and Kasha ;/
Jess chapter 41 . 1/23/2015
I feel so bad for Wil. I keep thinking about how he tried to tell Rodan he couldn't hunt, that the only way he made money was through being a whore; I keep thinking about how Rodan selfishly made him promise not to do it again when he knew it was the only way Wil could eat. I wonder if Wil suffered starvation even more than he should have because of the dumb promise. Makes me so mad! Great story, though!
A Dreamer Always chapter 56 . 11/16/2014
It took me an entire week but I did it, I read the entirety of this story and it was wonderful. You have such talent I am both amazed and envious! If you ever publish anything PLEASE let me know so I can buy it and read it a hundred times over!
TheGhostChild chapter 56 . 6/8/2014
This was the most overwhelming story I've read in a long time. I like the way it ended. That it wasn't wrapped in a bow with a "..and they lived happily ever after." Made it feel more realistic. I was so emotionally invested to these characters and I enjoyed it very much. I loved it.
TheGhostChild chapter 28 . 6/6/2014
Reading that hurt a lot more than expected. Even knowing that it was coming..
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