Reviews for The Magic Hidden
Echo chapter 8 . 7/24/2012
Luna, you better update soon!Dx
FangFreakingBleah chapter 5 . 3/5/2012
lol awkward for alex! PLZZ update soon!
FangFreakingBleah chapter 4 . 3/3/2012
it's kind of confusing, but i like it. plzz write more!
Scout Scarlet chapter 4 . 2/28/2012
This is getting REALLY good! Please update soon!
Thisissodumbstop chapter 2 . 2/11/2012
This story is really really good! Please continue it!
True Talker chapter 2 . 2/10/2012
On one hand I am glad that I had inspired you to continue writing this story on the other hand I am honestly a bit confused why I had inspired something dealing with rape. That does confuse me slightly, really.

It was written quite well and to be honest where the story had been it seemed that your add in there was a bit off of the grid. Because you had gone from; "Where's Queen Ella?" - to her running home then immediately into the rape. So one question really. Where is the flow?

I do realize that I am not an expert at writing stories, I don't even right stories. I am just merely confused?

Thank you for the dedication I think.
True Talker chapter 1 . 2/8/2012
This is written quite well and I loved your extra add in's and misses. It made me laugh, thank you SOO much that was so awesome. Really I do mean this.

Okay, I will play along; Name: Anastasia, Personality: Sweet and strong when it is needed., Powers: She is great with a sword, Appearance: She has long hair and it has different highlights in it, Relationships: Her father died fighting in battle, and her mother has trained her in sword fighting, she had made a friend in school one male - in school they learned how to really use a sword and how to do spells when needed. (Is that good enough for you?) - I think you are bringing out the creative in me. Thanks for this.