Reviews for Stray Cats Don't Sneak Showers
LateNightTurtle chapter 7 . 11/21/2012
Oh my gooood, I loved this so much. It was great. *-*
1986 chapter 7 . 10/16/2012
I love your story - it made me cry. I like Cole very much
xfffxfxfx chapter 7 . 10/13/2012
Hey! So I came to read this story. When you first started publishing it, I read the first chapter and never came back... admittedly, it is a pretty slow chapter. But the rest is really good.

It's interesting to read this now because I can see half of you poised to become the writer of "Sickly Covetousnous", and the other half still the writer of "Dehydration". I think in many ways this story is just a reimagining of "Dehydration", with a more concise plot. Two suffering boys misunderstand each other, but are also pillars of strength for each other...

I can see you pulling your punches here, if you know what I mean. Cole is a kid who is really suffering, in pain, dealing with so much, but you don't often convey that (exception being the dumpster scene.) That's compared to "Sickly Covetousnous" where the main guy there is clearly suffering, but he doesn't know it. You manage to let us know without letting him know. That's sly and good writing.

This story I think is the most conventional of your stories, in the best sense of the word. Everything seems to happen in a particular prescribed order, like so many stories I've read. It can be a bit dull compared to the unpredictability of "Sickly C", but it also gives a real sense of fulfillment. I think in a sense it's the most basic, most foundational expression of your characters and themes. It's also the most optimistic, so far.

Did you read my essay on slash tropes? I put it in "That Body of Work", it's the most recent one. You might be interested about what I have to say there...

So, long story short, I enjoyed "Stray Cats", I'm glad I read it all the way through this time, and it's cool to see your progress as a writer. I'll read your new chapter of SC soon... when, I know not. Thanks and goodbye!
AJmusic chapter 5 . 10/11/2012
Dear Jill,

Thank you for the action requested last time. But I'd prefer that they should do it on more equal terms. But I guess what you get is what you got. Anyway, I love Cole but did he really have to be so mean to Jon?

- AJ
AJmusic chapter 4 . 10/11/2012
they're quite interesting Cole's friends, if you ask me. And I love that you gave Edith more space. Plus I think Cole was quite meam towards Jon. And woman, when is this story going to step up another notch? You're stuck on the same spot as when you started. Get us some action!

- AJ
Lol, that's halarious, keep up the awesome work.
AJmusic chapter 3 . 10/11/2012
Dear Jill,

Jon is a jerk and I've no idea why he acts the way he does. But what a dumb thing of Cole to do: you don't call people gay when you're gay yourself! good thing Mr. Reeves wasn't a pedophile though, and Jess is one little spitfire.

- AJ
AJmusic chapter 2 . 10/11/2012
Dear Jill,

Cole sure was harassed by all those girls. Poor thing. I hope he'll find someone to help him out soon cause you are so slow. Plus, Lena sure is something special, but I actually like her. By the way, are you sure all those predujudices are correct?

- AJ
AJmusic chapter 1 . 10/11/2012
Dear Jill,

Why would you start with a new story? Now you're going to lose focus, and get nothing done, you little procrastinator. This thing... well I don't know what to say ... It was pretty good, I guess. and I do hope that you've read it through for typos.

huh i dunno chapter 7 . 9/15/2012
Yay! Finally it's done! The epilogue is great! It's a cute, romantic, happy way to end the story which is great. Cole and Jon make a cute couple. Cole's mom, I mean, Rachel, seems nice. The ending is just cute. That's probably the only word that could truly describe this chapter. The story overall, is great and this was a great ending to a great story. Yay!
R.P. Ann chapter 7 . 8/31/2012
Finally. I got time to review this, I read it as soon as you updated but I didn't have the time to write a response, but now I can.

Dear Jill,

This was a great story, really. I loved it. I laughed, got angry, and fell in love with your characters. It was fun reading it, especially because your writing is good, I like it a lot. You're great.
But, are you really sure that you want to end things like this? I mean, it's amazing as it is, but I was really hoping for a more. Anyway, seeing them happy like this was nice though, Cole's Ma is awesooomeee even if I (I'm neutral so I don't know what to put here) Edith. About that, what the hell happened to her?! I am so(in love with you(r) story!

I'm hoping for a sequel,
Linq chapter 7 . 8/25/2012
Oh Gods, it's really over! D;
Oh well, it's one of my favourites on FP and I probably will re-read it! XD
Initially loaded chapter 7 . 8/24/2012
loved it!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/13/2012
Dear Jill,

Why would you start with a new story? Now you're going to lose focus, and get nothing done, you little procrastinator. This thing… well I don't know what to say…It was interesting, I guess. And I do hope that you've read it through for typos.


Lol, great idea! Maybe I'll start putting that on my chapters! (Not logged in right now.)
Cause I have plenty of hits, and I am on the alert list of quite a few people, but reviews seem to be out of the question for them, apparently...
you know them trees chapter 6 . 5/29/2012
It was really, really great and I loved it!
Ty chapter 6 . 5/16/2012
you were right baby I loved it! and god, how horny didn't I get you son of a bitch! :P 3
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