Reviews for Stray Cats Don't Sneak Showers
Jess Hoyle chapter 2 . 4/16/2012
Hiya Jill.

Nice job. It was honestly enjoyable to read and wonderfully flowing. The characters are well-put out and directly said out how they are in personallity. You get to know them quick and easy. Good job, keep up the writing.

Love, Jess
R.P. Ann chapter 6 . 4/15/2012
I loved it.

GOD I WANT YOU TO SEE MY FACE RIGHT NOW. It's exactly like the "me gusta" meme mixed with the "okay" meme, because I'm like me gusta but looking down. If you don't know the memes google 'em up! Hehehehe.

I loved it. Okay. JON IS AWESOME. I'm so hoping for an epilogue :D You have a wonderful writing style and there were a few spelling mistakes (like you're should be your) and stuff like that but it was amazing nontheless! sodhfosdhifgo I loved it.. Hehehehehehhe.
Russle chapter 6 . 4/14/2012
Aww, that was cute! And I totally did not mind the sex scene at all... *w* Hehe. :3
huh i dunno chapter 6 . 4/14/2012
Aww! I love the ending! Especially since everythig that happened in the last chapter got me feeling so sorry for Cole. I'm really glad that he's with Jon now (sheesh, I've been wondering when they would stop ignoring each other) and if there is an epilogue, I can't wait to read that.
GreenGrass1 chapter 6 . 4/14/2012
Dear Jill,

That was one wonderful chapter. And the ending was cute but in a manly way (as I'm sure Cole will say). I think you did a good job with this story, but still… I'm kinda bummed that it's over. It was an entertaining read and I hope for god's sake that you'll write some more.


P.S. Love Mr. Reeves - people like him make the world a better place.
huh i dunno chapter 5 . 3/29/2012
Awww poor Cole. :( Poor Jon too, that was a pretty harsh rejection. While reading this story, I can't but to think: when will Cole's life get better? Oh well, however frustrating the story is, it's still interesting and well-written. Good job :)

chocolate rocks!
GreenGrass1 chapter 5 . 3/29/2012
Your "Dear Jill" is hilarious so I am going to copy it for this review:

Dear Jill,

Thank you for the action we requested last time. But I'd request that they do it on more often . But I guess what you get is what you got. Anyway, I like Cole, but did he really have to be so mean to Jon? I think I saw some hints of Jon's feelings - but this is 1st pov after all and Cole has more than enough on his plate that he may not notice.

Love this story so far.

skrillex chapter 5 . 3/27/2012
Hey, I just read this story today and I really love it! I really want to know what's going to happen to Cole so please update soon! I also really like the pacing to this story and I think it's just right, I think I read in some of your author's notes that you thought it was too slow? Anyway, I think it's perfect, even if we have to wait for action. I also want to see more of Jon! He kind of come out of nowhere there, which is totally fine, but I want to know more about him!

Lovely story!
Fumiki chapter 5 . 3/27/2012
This is awesome. But it's 3 in the morning and I can't think properly, so I'm gonna copy the review provided.

Dear Jill,

Thank you for the action we requested last time. But I think they should do it more willingly. But I guess what you get is what you got. Anyway, I adore Cole, but did he really have to be so mean to Jon? And you should've showed us how Jon felt, woman!

R.P. Ann chapter 5 . 3/26/2012
Dear Jill,

I just love the little texts you leave below, haha, it was amazing! By the way, thanks for updating and I fucking loved this chapter. I totally love Jon. It was amazing. Next chappie ASAP! I love how you write seriously, it makes me laugh XD hehe. I wonder what Jon was thinking tho'.

Well, next chappie ASAP, I loved it and have a nice... night? Lol.


Linq chapter 5 . 3/26/2012
AMS-SWF chapter 5 . 3/25/2012
I'm really curious about what is going on in Jon's head, I can't wait for some more dialogue between him and Cole. Actually, I can't wait for the enxt chapter, this story is entertaining and funny even if Cole's circumstances are kinda dark.

I'm enjoying this a lot Also, the pre-written reviews? A really nice touch xD
ExPrincesssBrown chapter 5 . 3/25/2012
Dear Jill,

Thank you for the action we requested last time. But I'd rather that they should do it on more friendly terms. But I guess what you get is what you got. Anyway, I adore Cole, but did he really have to be so nice to Jon? And you should've showed more of how Jon felt, woman!




I can't do that.

Anyway, whoa.


Drunken blow job. Okay then.
R.P. Ann chapter 4 . 3/18/2012
Dear Jill,

Hello, I'm a new reader of yours, I can tell you that I'm already in love with your story... and with Jon... and with Cole. Your writing is nice, I like it, easy to read and sarcastic, it's real and descriptive, like a good ol' story. I love Cole's personality, I love that he paints, because I do as well, and he reminds me a little bit of myself, as I know how it is to tell other people that you are gay, or in my case, bi, which is even more rejected that being gay, so the response of the people is the scariest thing that could ever happen to you.

I know how it feels to be played, and it's not nice, in Jon's case. I can already tell, they are meant for each other, complimentary yet clashing colours in a work of art. And at first, when I started reading I thought that Cole would be with Mr. Reeves, but later on, when I realized he had a little girl I knew that he had to have an older son, one that Cole would fell for, and then Jon came in, and in his asstight pants I knew he'd be a flamboyant gay boy, the one Cole would fell for even with their rough start, because Jon is vulnerable I think he is so defensive. And how can someone hate a cat? Or take care of one? I love cats, I have a perssian/angora mixed cat and a Braco from Weimar (Weimaraner) dog :D I love animals, well, enough of my rambling.

I loved it all, your writing and characters, your story, they all are wonderful, exquisite. And I don't know how your story isn't famous! Lately, I've been reading lots of great stories and they aren't famous! Tho' they should totally be!

And if you are looking for something to read, I highly recommend, Dirty-Angel-Toes' stories (Stupid Post It Notes is reaaaally great, just like Wonderwall and Rainbow Fish), Edana's stories (Specially Fallen), Charms and Curses by Drazuki, Until You Loved Me by His Terrible Beauty, Just Because by Ryette (THIS ONE WITH DIRTY-ANGEL-TOES STORIES AND BECAUSEYOULOVEME'S TAKING SIDES ARE MY FAVORITES!) and BecauseYouLoveMe's Taking Sides, all this stories are in my favorites in my fictionpress profile, only read them if you have time to give them your full atention, because I've cried, laughed and loved with these stories, these are some of my favorite novels, it doesn't matter if they are not printed and hard-covered, this stories are inspiring, I highly recommend them.

You are on your way to being a great writer, so don't stop doing it, keep on writing, and you'll be enlighten once you read the stories I sent you.

I know I have no right so say this because I'm a new reader of yours and everything but WRITE THE NEXT CHAPTER ALREADY.

Hope you're doing well,

R.P. Ann.

P.D: Call me Pats for short, have a nice day. c:
H.s.s.Hunter chapter 4 . 3/16/2012
Dear Jill,

I think Cole should get with Jon. So when is this story going to get SEXY? Haha I really do like it, but he needs to get laid, yo.

I mean, I thought at first Cole would have a thing with the teacher, but then Jon came in, and I agree with Jess, it would be awesome if they got together.

I can't wait for the next chapter! You've done such a great job so far!


3 H.
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