Reviews for Stray Cats Don't Sneak Showers
Russle chapter 4 . 3/11/2012
Hai! Great story so far. I can't wait for the update! :O
Linq chapter 4 . 3/10/2012
Gahh that was so good! I'm seriously waiting for you to update... Like... NOW!
Fumiki chapter 4 . 3/10/2012
Dear Jill,

Please wash Jess's mouth with soaps. lots of soap. I like her, but the things she said... Also, poor Jon, his boyfriend dumped him on prom night. In a way, I'm glad he's single. Now, I can't wait for Cole to start liking him.

Fumiki chapter 3 . 3/2/2012
Hahaha, I like Cole... and Jon seems interesting. I can't wait to see more of them!
Linq chapter 3 . 3/2/2012
This story is actually really good! I'm excited for the next chapter! :3
ForeverWasteAway chapter 1 . 3/1/2012
Dear Jill,

Why would you start with a new story? Now you're going to lose focus, and get nothing done, you little procrastinator. This thing… well I don't know what to say…It was really good I guess. And I do hope that you've read it through for typos.

Hahah :)
That Boy over There chapter 3 . 2/29/2012
It made me laugh when Jen mentioned the stray cats because I finally fully understood the title. That is epic.
Pennies-In-My-Pocket chapter 3 . 2/29/2012
Dear Jill,

I wanted to start the review with that... . The story is great so far and I can kinda smell some slasiness coming I love Cole. He has a good attitude for a technical homeless kid. Jon is kinda mean :/ I'm sure he's an okay person, though! It's probably just like that since they just met. The car... I wonder how that will play out. You'll update soon, right?


Pennies-In-My-Pocket 3
Fumiki chapter 2 . 2/19/2012
Dear Jill,

Cole sure is harassed by all those girls. Poor thing. I hope he'll find someone to help him out (preferably Mr. Reeves). Plus, Mr. Reeves sure is something special and I like him a lot. By the way, are you sure all those prejudices are correct?

My name.


lol ;P
6xXBladeXx9 chapter 2 . 2/18/2012
Dear Jill,

You are really awesome yo. This story is fabulous, you really have the essence of what street kids have to go through..haha take my word for it (:

I can't wait to read on to find out what'll happen

That Boy over There chapter 2 . 2/17/2012
I love this story so far and I can't wait to see what happens to Cole and what role plays. :)
midnightwrighter chapter 2 . 2/17/2012

So I like ur story so far. I hope he gets a bf soon I do like the art teacher. Um that's it update soon please.

-midnightwrighter :)
FishInTheWater chapter 2 . 2/17/2012
I like your story a lot so far! just keep going like this :)
huh i dunno chapter 1 . 2/12/2012
Since I don't have a difficult time composing a review, I want to say that this story is really good and I really want to read the next chapters. There are a few spelling/grammatic errors but nothing too terrible. I really like Cole's character. It's almost as if he has this "screw the world" attitude, and I like it. And, that's about it. Can't wait to read what suspicious things I bet Mr. Reeves is going to do.

~chocolate rocks!
Fumiki chapter 1 . 2/12/2012
I consider copying the text provided for reviewer, but I decide to do it next time XD This is actually really interesting, I like Cole and I think I have a crush on Mr. Reeves (lol). Hope you'll write more! :D
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