Reviews for Marry Me
Guest chapter 2 . 12/28/2014
It's a good story
lexielight chapter 19 . 5/14/2012
are you, by any chance, a fan of pride and prejudice?
Fleuriste chapter 1 . 5/12/2012
I really liked how you started off with the story keep it coming! :)
NinjaDanceParty chapter 19 . 5/5/2012
Hey! i know you finished this story almost 2 months ago, and i really should have been reviewing every chapter that you posted, but life's been extremely busy for me. isnt it always? :/ i havent even been online except for 2 hours on weekends, every week. zzz. thats abnormal for a modern day teenager.

anyway, the review. i loved the story for the most part. i thought the parts leading up to them getting together was pretty damn sweet. like i said before, i did think that Ben was being way too good to be true. but, well, i guess he is a fictional character. and they did have their differences. he was quite well explained for a simple and lighthearted love story. i thought he was a great guy, minus pot and drinking. although, it IS kind of weird that for a stoner type character, he's incredibly eloquent. where i'm from, stoners dont speak a lot of english. seriously. in fact they barely talk, have weird voices and aren't hot guys. i'm from singapore btw. (: back to ben. he doesnt really give off the slacker feeling from the way he acts. maybe i'm judging, but i would imagine a guy who does what ben claimed to have done to be less family friendly and more aggressive. i guess i'm judging. i dont know many stoners in the first place. ._. hey, if his family and his girlfriend likes him, who am i to complain? (:

now that i've re-read the whole story, i wouldn't say that Lydia isnt well defined as i previously did. i mean, it really is kinda like you yourself being the character, and i'm the kind of person who doesnt know himself very well, so reading from lydia's pov is quite realistic to me, especially if i dont get when she's coming from. plus, her actions speak volumes about her thoughts anyway.

i did think that lydia was being too easy when she took him back. i mean, if i had a girl and i heard a rumour she had been with another guy, i would hold a grudge for very, very very long, or at least until i figure out the truth for myself. but hey, i'm not the author,and i'm not lydia.

characters aside, i thought that the story flowed well even between chapters and was descriptive enough. like, you dont go into way too much detail, which is nice, but quite difficult to read, but at the same time you dont leave out a lot of things description wise, visual or otherwise. which is a mistake that i end up doing a lot. :/ also, it lets me relate to the story the way i like it.

it was a really sweet story! i know that right now you're probably busy, seeing as how you're not putting up anyth new, but i'd read more of your stuff if you put it up. (: i really loved it. maybe when i'm no longer in training i'll review more seriously and diligently to stories that i'm following (:
julianmarq chapter 19 . 4/23/2012
This was such a cute and well written story. I smiled all the way through and finished it in one sitting, looking forward to anything else you might post.

Also I think your depictions of both Lydia and Ben and their decisions were very realistic.
xnowherefastx chapter 19 . 4/5/2012
I love this story so much! It makes me happy thinking about it :D
Max chapter 19 . 3/25/2012
I loved it!
Chola13 chapter 19 . 3/25/2012
I really love this! and im upset that it is over but i loved the ending x I look forward to seeing more of your stuff x
GHOTIfish chapter 19 . 3/25/2012
wow...different ending than I would have expected, but overall it was...stunning. Different. Kind of weird, but much, MUCH better than most romance stories written nowadays.
DayDreamer99 chapter 19 . 3/24/2012
Gwaaa I loved this story. Im so glad they worked out their differences and went back together. I was hooked onto this story the instant I saw the title. Cant wait 2 read ur other works and any upcoming stories if ur planning any :)
TheEvergreenShadow chapter 19 . 3/24/2012
Cool job! A great ending to a great story :)
milknhoney1230 chapter 17 . 3/24/2012
Great Story! Update soon pleaaseee :):)
Irish-Rosie chapter 17 . 3/20/2012
Ahhhh! How could you just leave it like that! For shame!
KendallLovesBooks chapter 17 . 3/20/2012
Honestly, if my boyfriend did any drugs at all and drank at all, I would say "goodbye" cause sorry I dont date potheads
Chola13 chapter 17 . 3/20/2012
I love this! Update soon please i want to know what happens and i want them together soo much xx
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