Reviews for Speak Now
Elda E. Byrd chapter 1 . 3/10/2012
so cute! :)
LIVE-LAUGH-LOVE62 chapter 1 . 2/26/2012
I love it but you made some mistakes keep writing and you should get an editor :)
deadkitty1 chapter 1 . 2/26/2012
"You're getting to Cecelia,..." /You're getting married/

...white chocolate hot chocolate... /white hot chocolate/

Hmm. I felt the story went too fast. When Tyler told Ashley about his marriage, she didn't react so aggressively pleading him not to marry. She seemed more nonchalantly sad and defeated. I don't think she liked him all that much until Cecelia came by and threatened her. Also when Tyler mentioned that he didn't want to marry Cecelia at all, then why go through with it in the first place? It didn't make sense to me. It happened a bit too fast. No plausible explanation except his parents kinda forced the wedding on them. He could have said no & be done with it. I feel like there's more reason to it then that like stability or a place in normal society? There should have been more of an argument between Cecelia & Tyler, even Ashley during the whole Speak Now phase. Shouldn't the parent's get involved too? They probably paid a ton for the whole wedding and their son is walking away not caring!

I think it would help the story quite a bit if you put in Ashley's thoughts during certain situations. How she feel when Tyler said he's getting married to Cecelia? What did she think of loosing him? Did she always think that she'll be viewed as the best friend and nothing more? Would she consider herself worthy of him? Insecure thoughts and planning through the girl's head would really help us feel out what history these two have and how strong her feelings are.

Sorry if it seems like I'm complaining but I just feel like this story could be awesome with these components added. I do like the dialogue. It's fun and casual! I love Taylor Swift's reference to this. And the ending was cute. I like that she's not staying just for love. I mean if he really loves her, he'd let her choose what she wants in life not trap her. But yeah~ Sorry again for the long comment. Did I mention I love the song? I do. :)