Reviews for Prince Charming, and Snow White
theverytiredghost chapter 1 . 3/2/2012
This was really cool! I liked it a lot, in fact- I was thinking of doing something like this. Of course, it puts a twist on the whole Snow White story completely- and the romance is technically Snow White and Prince Charming, but isn't really... and now I'm just ranting off and getting off topic. BY THE WAY! The topic was how much I liked this first chapter. :D Great! And update soon!
TheRaven'sFeather chapter 1 . 3/1/2012
This is an interesting idea, and you do seem in touch with your character's personalities which is good. However, there are some things that I'm not fond of. One is some of the cliches that you mentioned (example, the 'girl not interested in arrogant guy' and the 'her following and he catching her' cliches). I don't really know what your going for here, but in case your mentioning them to 'seperate yourself' from other stories that have them, that's not really working. The fact that you acknowledge the cliches that your story has doesn't really accomplish much, at least to me. I'd like for you to go more in detail about Astoria's life. For instance, why does she allow her brother to treat her like that, why do her parents allow him to treat her like that? Why does she treat Prince Charming with so much hostility initially? I don't know about you, but I usually try to act at least semi-friendly when I answer the door, and I don't snap at people that quickly. If you are going to model this after fairy tales, I think you should try to reflect them more like the tales you use. For instance, I don't see how Astoria is any way shape or form like Snow White (her life doesn't really reflect it). Aside from that, good luck with the rest of your story. Keep writing.
Manga Fan XD chapter 1 . 3/1/2012
Haha, very nice. Looking forward to more!

Good luck and update soon!
Roty chapter 1 . 3/1/2012
Omg that's soooo cute! I love it!