Reviews for The Sudden Visibility of Sound
xfffxfxfx chapter 10 . 9/11/2012
Another great chapter. This story has been electric since two chapters ago. The dynamics between Josh and Caid are so fascinating, always fascinating. I am somehow not too concerned about the fallout, even though I know it'll be messy. I love Caid crying, and the sexual currents going on, and just how much Josh cares. It's beautiful.

Caid doesn't give himself enough credit when he says he'll be thinking with his dick... he's making the decisions that will get him the emotional sustenance he needs. If you think about it, he's a very emotionally isolated person, or was before this thing with Josh. He really needs the love.

I think, at your worst, you fall into a kind of chunky plasticity. Here, things seem really fluid. I think I can say that you are doing your best work right now, betas or no.
Aletiah chapter 10 . 9/11/2012
You know, even if this is such a sweet story, it's also very sad, and this chapter is both lovely and heartbreaking at the same time. So much emotions, and they are right even if they are wrong, but the only reason they are wrong is because Josh didn't meet Caid first! Before Tally. And it's so wrong that two people who are meant to be together actually "can't" or at least can't without tears and guilt-feelings and sneak out to Inn's. It is so so realistic that Caid started to cry and that they just don't jump on each other. Really great job with that scene!
I really think Josh should break up with Tally. I hope he will. Or even better, she break up with him without knowing about him and Caid. Because that would ment she had moved on even before she knew.
I have mixed feelings about what they are doing, because I want them to do it, but since Tally is there somewhere in the background and you know it's her boyfriend and brother, you feel so sorry for them all. If she just was a girl not related it had been different. Ok cheating is never okay, but still. They need each other.
And I think they both are a bit naive if they think they can have this night and then nothing else. This will just bring them closer. Can't wait to the next chapter! Love this story!
goudacheese chapter 10 . 9/10/2012

Okay, no, but really this was great as usual and I just feel like I say the same things every time I review you BUT I MEAN. YOU'RE JUST THE BESTEST. I'm, um. You know how much I love Josh/Caid, yeah, but there's literally always this little voice in my head that's like: WHAT ABOUT TALLY? And then I think, if it's like that for me, some chick who's reading this story, WHAT MUST IT BE LIKE FOR THEM, RIGHT. Like, it's Josh's fiancee, it's Caid's sister, god. CHEATING IS BAD. DON'T DO IT. (But then, it's Josh/Caid.) (Sighs.)

No but I love how you make it so ... real? Like, the emotions behind all of this are so tangible and honest and true and you write it all so well and I just love this so much. Even though, um, it's cheating, which is bad. Bad, kids. Don't do it.

There's so much angst behind this whole thing and I just feel so badly for everyone involved, you know? WHY IS LIFE SO HARD? (also, Maxi-pad was the best thing I've read in my entire life.)

Okay also I didn't even notice that you'd updated for the longest time today because my stupid email had decided to put the alert into my SPAM BOX? And I do not regularly check my spam box? Email, what are you doing, I'm not okay with this. I'VE MARKED EVERYTHING FP-RELATED AS NON-SPAM, I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND. It had better not do this again, because. I was having an extraordinarily crappy day and seeing that you updated made my life miles better. So, thanks for that.

Anyway. You know. This was the best blah blah etc can't wait for more the usual :*
MyLifeSoundtrack chapter 10 . 9/10/2012
Wow. You were right, this is different than what you sent! But I liked both versions. Still am in love with this but you know how I feel! My obsession for them! Although, this version made me want to go back and write my story with the brother sleeping with his sister's husband. Good stuff! Anyway, loved this and we'll talk soon.
no-ones-puppet chapter 10 . 9/10/2012
Woot! Stuffs gonna happen between the two of them on Friday! I was actually so sad that there was no posting last Friday... I was like, aww sososos busy he regular updates are already fucked. Lol. Good to see you back on track though!

As to the chapter... It felt really weird to me to see Caid so vulnerable... Am I the only one? It's just like in the beginning he's really cocky and angry and now he's crying like a fool! Maybe Josh brings out the emotions in him... I hate to say it cause it's sexists, but Caid is going to be what is considered the girl of he relationship I'm sure, so he's starting to get in touch with that side of himself... Lol. Anyways! Yay update, it was cute! Im happy things are progressing and I hope you use the maxi-pad nickname later on, those high school girls sure are clever. :)
Stahlut chapter 10 . 9/10/2012
Wow, that chapter turned out like one big tease, the build up to something happening...and then you leave us hanging. Have admit kind of like it like that, although I am curious to what the chater was originally like lol. Anyway, I'm waiting anxiously for the next one...
chibikodo chapter 10 . 9/10/2012
really Josh? It's not fair to both Caid and Tally. Of course Caid's not helping things. :/ But I hope they either come clean or... Do something. Cause it's cheating either way.
Guest chapter 10 . 9/10/2012
Oh my gosh! I simply cannot wait for the next chapter. Haha! Even though I don't condone cheating, I still want Caid and Josh to be together. I feel so horrible for Tally cos I know she'll be so hurt.

Anyway, can't wait for your next update and please please please ask MyLifeSoundtrack to update her stories as well. That would be greatly appreciated (:
Vega Nightshade chapter 10 . 9/10/2012
The only thing I can say, is that I really love how you write baout their emotions, their entanglement. The way they are torn between 'right' and' wrong', between what they want and what's in a way expected from them is emotionally touching what incourages me to wait for the continuation with even more anxiety. In a good way :D
R. Nevenka Vernerio chapter 10 . 9/10/2012
I love your story. I really really really like it. Everything feels so true, just like it should happen in real life you know ? I feel like this is actually happening somewhere in the world, that you're telling the story of a real Caid and a real Josh. Am I making any sense ? You're reaaaally good. By the way, while waiting for you to update, I re-read 'Drunk Text' and it's still so well-written too ! I loved it (again).
I was sooo excited when I saw you had published this chapter ! I could have been screaming if it wasn't midnight here and if my parents weren't sleeping.
Anyway, I like this chapter. You really have a talent (or gift ? I don't know which word use, sorry _) for this and I'm very happy you're willing to share it with us, readers that you don't even know :), because, once again, you're awesome.

Waiting very very (im)patiently for the next chapter. (But they (Caid & Josh) are going to feel soooooo guilty ! Ugh, I feel bad for them.)
mamaliz chapter 10 . 9/10/2012
You know, I don't think you're fair to your own writing when you label some of it 'porn'. What is so beautiful and different about the way you write sex is the way you describe it as an emotional experience as much as a physical one. You don't just dwell on the mechanics of sexual encounters, which is what 'porn' does. Your writing is a hell of a lot more sofisticated than mere porn, in my opinion.
S.H. Marr chapter 10 . 9/10/2012
So much ANGST!

Typo: "Even he said he wasn't going" though should be in there somewhere.

I predict next chapter will be even more angsty. I'm actually not looking forward to it, even though it will probably feature much of Caid and Josh. It's just so upsetting!

I'm going to go cry now. Actually, now I'm going to go to anime club. But after that I'm going to cry!
Wren chapter 9 . 9/9/2012
So I found your stories through the SKOW nominations and have been thoroughly impressed. Very solid writing with emotional storylines... I look forward to reading more. Thanks for all the entertainment!
Guest chapter 9 . 9/8/2012
I love how they can't stop touching each other :D
Aw man chapter 9 . 9/8/2012
No update this Friday? : (
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