Reviews for The Sudden Visibility of Sound
roxceedel chapter 11 . 5/7/2014
Is it over? Will there be more? Say yes...
fictionloverFE chapter 11 . 5/4/2014
this was really intense and graphic but good...please continue the story...
FYI chapter 11 . 4/23/2014
To all the readers who have been begging for updates. I'm not sure if you bother checking this author's tumblr but the author had already announced that this story is going to be permanently incomplete. I can't recall the exact words used but the author said something about not writing this anymore. She did post the epilogue(ish) of the story or how the story would've ended. You can find it in her tumblr.
Elena chapter 11 . 4/22/2014
Do you know how it is when you find a WIP that hasn't been updated in forever and you know it's going to hurt when you get to the last chapter? It hurts awfully! But it was still worth it. I hope you are doing ok, and wish you all the best. You are a very talented writer and I hope to see this finished one day. All the best!
luce chapter 10 . 4/5/2014
I just love the dance of these two characters. Its so beautiful and intimate. Your story has totlly captured me, I really hope you continue.
luce chapter 11 . 4/5/2014
for the love of all that is holy and just, PLEASE UPDATE! ****Prayer circle for this amazing author and story**
hpstrangelove chapter 11 . 4/5/2014
Type your review for this chapter here...
Greenpanda0u0 chapter 11 . 4/4/2014
This story was great! Ahhh why is it still unfinished... Well anyways I loved both characters and I can't really bring myself to hate Josh but I kind of do and I'm hoping that maybe we'll skip around to the future were they no longer are in contact with each other but they can't forget about each other and Josh and Tally have split and Josh ends bumping into Caid as he's doing something stupid to keep his mind off of Josh or maybe Caid gets really depressed or something and there's another guy with Caid now who's an asshole and now I'm just rambling sorry. But the story was great!
Pink Bead Girl chapter 7 . 3/1/2014
Still loving your story very much. I like the realism once again, how everything is not clear cut but tangled together - that's the way life is whether one likes it or not. You capture it so well, just as you do dialogue. Honestly I feel as though I could pick up a coffee mug and sit down with your characters and join in the conversation, that's how realistic it feels to me. Great chapter, great story. Thanks.
Pink Bead Girl chapter 1 . 2/26/2014
I really liked your opening chapter, it made me smile as I read it. I like your story's title too, rather enigmatic yet fitting the subject. Nice work.
The Infinity chapter 11 . 2/6/2014
Good GOD but you're brilliant. I am literally on edge. I want the rest of this story. God I want the rest. I want more of them. You can make me laugh, my heart ache, and make me all hot and bothered all in the same chapter. You write m/m like no one else can. It just feels so REAL. And so right. Please come back to this story. I am begging you.
atenea-in-the-sky chapter 1 . 2/4/2014
Ohh I wish you would update! But it's been so long I guess it's hopeless to wish so.
Guest chapter 11 . 2/4/2014
Ohh I wish you would update! But it's been so long I guess I guess it's hopeless to wish so.
InsanityAndBeyond chapter 7 . 1/31/2014
. aah
I never normally do the review each chapter thing, but since I feel guilty for having too often read amazing stories and not properly expressed my appreciation, i'm kinda doing it. sorry if thats annoying. God I don't know what I'll do if this story doesn't have a definitive and happy ending for these two.
InsanityAndBeyond chapter 6 . 1/31/2014
ahmygawwdddd. So they did have past history, I knew SOMETHING had to have happened.
I knew I would be in for a load of angst in this story because of the whole 'sister's fiance' thing. Apparently I have a vicious part inside me that likes to be kept in emotional turmoil over fictional characters.
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