Reviews for Love Life
Thank You chapter 14 . 3/22/2014
For posting this. I have so much admiration for Randee's character. Part of me even feels badly for Micheal. This is an interesting sociological commentary. Thanks for sharing your talent.
RomanceObsessed chapter 14 . 3/22/2014
I can't wait till next chapter when Alex returns. :)
SkyBlue1309 chapter 14 . 3/22/2014
Ah! I want Alex but was so glad this was fast :) can't wait!
Randeisresilant chapter 14 . 3/22/2014
Whoa thank you so much for posting so quickly! Can't wait for more. I love the auntie' disclosure about him endlessly pestering her.
Shadowswept chapter 14 . 3/22/2014
It's so terrible how heartless teenagers can be. I felt so sad for Randee as I was reading through her checklist for how to deal with bullying. I hope that somebody beats the crap out of Michael soon. Taking his anger out on Randee is stupid and mean. I'm really curious to find out Alex's reaction. I think how he handles this will prove what kind of guy he is. I'm glad you posted another chapter so soon. The drama is unfolding now, and I can't wait to see how it all plays out. At least her friends asked questions instead of making assumptions. It gives me hope that they won't abandon her.
karasuno chapter 11 . 3/22/2014
Reply to Randeeisadvanced (nice name lol)

Their school is an imaginary one, so I've been quite free with making up the structure haha. They're in their second to last year, so most have chosen a certain direction for their classes. Randee has picked a science route - Math, Physics, Biology, Chemistry and the likes. Alex is in a Humanities direction - Economics, Geography, History, Languages. There's also Arts - theater, music, art, history of art and what you can think of. And Sports - the obvious xD. Alex is taking 1 advanced math class, which Randee isn't. They're pretty much set to never meet unless one stalks the other lol.

Honestly, the school part is quite boring to me (yeah, I wasn't the most attentive student), so I skipped all that detail in order to concentrate on the drama, but if there's enough interest about it, I may include some details later when I edit stuff.

To answer the other question, Randee won't call him out on that exactly, since it's not her intention to get apologies or get further involved with him. There will be a confrontation between them however, so look forward to it hehe (in a few chapters). Your hunch about Alex is in the right direction. He's always testing her, which is a big mistake if you ask me xD;. Coz when he gets disappointed he throws a fit, and is then not happy with the consequences. He's a cute character like that lol. Sorry if I gave out too much xD;;.
Randeeisadvanced chapter 13 . 3/22/2014
Micheal is lazy and in the easy classes...what about Alex. He seems fairly bright, is the school so large that there would be several different classes for honours students? I went to a small private Catholic school, 72 people in my graduating class. There were 3 levels, one which was heinously labeled and called remedial, the other grade level and then honours. Fascinating story, this may have been a weird question to ask but I am just curious about the layout of the school.

Further question. Will Randee call Alex out on his seduction and quick break up? I, for one, believe Alex sensed Randee's lack of emotional availability and tried to play things as a macho jerk just to protect himself and not let her feel like she had 'won'. Ok enough blathering.

Karasuno, I love your writing
auburnhaven chapter 11 . 3/21/2014
Pretty cool. I am glad he was sweet about it, aside from ordering her around. I felt he was caring and it meant more than just sex for him. That whole speech he gave about being connected and stuff led me to think that. The one thing i didn't like was Alex saying he wouldn't stop later even if she begged him to. Maybe it was supposed to be sexy, but I just think maybe that should be a red flag if someone said that (well in real life anyway). Also, I wonder if he figured out she was a virgin. You are very descriptive in your writing. :) Oh also, I am very glad that Randee tried to help her friend, Sandy when those guys had drugged her and were going to attack her. That seemed like a very realistic thing that would happen and I am glad she stepped in. It's a shame that Sandy is denying all of it. She should be thanking Randee for looking out for her when no one else (not even Michelle) did.
RN chapter 13 . 3/21/2014
You are far to modest to be fishing for compliments, imho, but they are much deserved. I, find Randee to have Buffy like badassedness (yeah I know its not a word but it should be) and as a Feminist myself I think Randee is a wonderful example. She is so independent and has tried to exploit her feminine wiles for gain, nor played a "sweet little ole me" role. Had the chapter been longer I am sure it would have passed the test. I love how Randee refuses to be cowed. Props to you for writing her.
karasuno chapter 13 . 3/21/2014
In response to Reader's Note's review :D
I am extremely happy that you're satisfied with the story enough to defend it so much! I really wasn't fishing for compliments by giving my own story a low grade on the Bechdel test, even if it seemed that way haha. That test examines movies/books/etc from a feminist viewpoint, and despite seeing myself as a feminist, and writing about girls for girls, I still managed to nearly fail the test lol. I just found a bit ironic. I'm glad it doesn't bother anyone else though, I might be too self-conscious about it xD;.
I'm very grateful to everyone who likes this story despite its flaws, and hope to keep it interesting for you till the end *hugs*.
ColourMeIntrigue chapter 13 . 3/21/2014
What happened in Randee's past? Why is Micheal so obsessed with her? Please answer these questions in your delightful writing style as soon as humanly possibly.
Your faithful fan
mylittleprincess chapter 13 . 3/21/2014
next chapter please:)
Tash chapter 13 . 3/21/2014
I am loving this story but the updates are killing me. It's a really good concept, I really can't wait to see what happens next. :)
Kinda delightful chapter 13 . 3/21/2014
to read. Sorry if this was kinda hard to write but it was a pleasure to read...tantalizing ending yet again. Bring on Chap 14! I am salivating for it!
Reader'sNote chapter 13 . 3/21/2014
Don't doubt yourself so much! You are a talented writer and I am so swept up in this tale which you are so expertly weaving. I appreciate your modesty but you are very talented. I obsessively check this page for updates, I wouldn't devote so much of my time to seeing what happens next in a C story.
Thank you so much for the update keep up the good work :o)
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