Reviews for A King at War
A Mere Observer chapter 70 . 11/4/2015
The alerts that I should have gotten for each updated seemed to have been buried in my ever-growing inbox. And when I saw the update for this chapter, I was simply blown over the fact that it was at the 70th already. I immediately rushed to read where I left off - which I could hardly remember.
And once again, I was captured and sucked into your story. Your beautiful, well-written piece. I give you my thanks for sharing this with us. It has been wonderful so far and the characters, oh the characters... They're so likeable. They started growing on me on Seven Days to a King, and I've completely fallen in love with them halfway through this.
I just hope that I won't miss thenext alerts for your updates as I already impatiently wait for the next chapter. Until then!
LoreLorelei chapter 57 . 9/15/2014
Hello! Love your story! Please Please please please please please please please update soon!
Lioness Lazuli chapter 53 . 4/29/2013
Teehee! Long time no seee! It's always so nice to hear the banter between Barrow and Cyrus :D I hadn't realised how much I missed it! Nice work as always :D
VivianTheUnicorn chapter 52 . 4/19/2013
Hi there!

I just wanted to say a couple of things about your story - this one and Seven Days to A King actually. Last year I got fiction press, and to be honest I wasn't really into a lot of the stories I read. But then I came across Seven Days to a King and immediately was filled with admiration. It was just so inspiring and original, I read the whole thing straight away, and the first chapters of King at War - at that time only the first 20 or so chapters had been published I think, only up to the point when Lily's initially imprisoned anyway. And then I lost interest in fiction press because I didn't have much time for writing - nothing's changed there - and because I couldn't find anything that quite matched up to the standard set by you.

And then a couple of days ago, for some reason, I found myself back on the site. I went into my favourites, and there was King at War, so I read it all over again, now up the 52nd chapter of course, and I seriously need to know what happens! I know it must be annoying to be so good and get so little credit, but you have at least one fan who values above basically everything else on here, so please please please bring out the new chapter soon! Because I don't think I can wait much longer!

Lazuli Lioness chapter 48 . 10/21/2012
I've missed this so much! Thank you for updating :D!
Once again, I too, enjoyed how Wilcox was gutted ;)
Lazuli Lioness chapter 46 . 9/14/2012
Thank you updating! And 2 chapters at that! As always, its a pleasure to read your work. :)
Lazuli Lioness chapter 44 . 8/27/2012
Oh ho! This scene has been long and awaited for the both of them I bet ;)
Can't wait for the confrontation between Lady Wilcox and the king and queen :D
Lazuli Lioness chapter 43 . 8/23/2012
I seriously cannot wait for the next chapter! Oh the tension ;D
Lazuli Lioness chapter 42 . 8/13/2012
I always view these updates with excitement. A very well written chapter :D
Lazuli Lioness chapter 35 . 7/18/2012
Oh my, that was surprisingly intense. I had the urge to throttle Willcox, so great was my frustration with her. Yay! You're bringing Mary back in. Excellent chapter!
Guest chapter 33 . 7/9/2012
Loved it! I always end up laughing when Joshua is around :D
I'm also quite impressed with Lily's character. I'm growing more and more fond of this main character's bravery and staunch-ness
Lioness Lazuli chapter 32 . 7/6/2012
Ahh! This chapter was like a brilliant ray of sunlight piercing through the night sky! Amazing.. I could feel the lightness of this chapter, so starkly contrasting to the past few chapters. I hadn't realised how much I had missed John ;P
Lioness Lazuli chapter 31 . 7/5/2012
Goodness! I can't believe it had started so tamely! Nevertheless, I'm loving the darkening of the story :D
Will us readers ever get a chance to know a bit more about the crookshaft and rebecca relationship? And rebecca and burrow? How they became a couple?
Lazuli Lioness chapter 28 . 6/26/2012
Wahh! I think I'm feeling a deady, giddy rush of hope too! I'm loving the reintroducing of William hahah :D
Lazuli Lioness chapter 24 . 6/20/2012
Wow. Your ability to come up with wonderful chapters in such a short time is amazing XD Thank you!
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