Reviews for Second Verse
tenna shut up chapter 2 . 2/11/2013
Ugh too cute! My heart. It's soooo good and the feelings so palpable that I'm afraid of the rug being pulled from under me.

Also, your Donna reminds me of Donna Noble and she's a redhead too yeah?
tenna shut up chapter 1 . 2/11/2013
I think my throat closed and my mind's just scrambling to wrap itself all over your stunningly phrased words. :)
LondonLi chapter 2 . 5/22/2012
Awww! I wish this was longer! I'm so glad you've been posting lately and I hope your muse continues to get ideas. I've missed your writing and I always enjoy your original characters. Thanks for the quick follow up on this!
MitsuAya chapter 2 . 5/21/2012
absolutely loved it. I love the way you've slipped in tiny pieces of information about their past throughout the plot. It made for such a poignant and just almost wistful story. Normally, I'd like for there to be more follow-up at the end of the story but somehow you've made it work fine just the way it is. Keep writing!
shutterbaby chapter 2 . 5/20/2012
I like this a lot, but I think it would be better with a further ending. Not necessarily another installment, but maybe a couple paragraphs, just a hint of the future and a little bit more insight into Daisy's thought process as she forgave him.