Reviews for He Whose Throne is Darkness
zagato chapter 10 . 12/6/2018
This is lovely, thanks!
NeonEnigma88 chapter 10 . 7/29/2013
I love the friction going on between them, and I can't wait until the action picks up and things get... interesting on Olympus and the Underworld. Keep writing!
AlternatingCurrent chapter 10 . 12/14/2012
Thank you for not rushing through this story as so many do. I like that you had their first interaction on Mount Olympus, and I feel the pace you have taken is much more realistic than many versions of this story. I also like how different views were presented, including Hermes at the beginning. Personally, I'd like it if you'd add more of Demeter's view to the mix, so that we can better understand her overprotectiveness. Keep up the good work!
Guest chapter 9 . 11/30/2012
This is the best interpretation of Hades and Persephone that I have ever read! I almost want her to want to stay there of her own free will. I really do hope you continue, I'm dying to read the rest!
Yolandah-da-Hedgehoggu chapter 9 . 10/27/2012
I've gotten this fascination of Persephone and Hades recently... and this story has been fulfilling it! Continue!
heart song chapter 9 . 9/28/2012
its good next chapter has to be hades pov. Is it going to be exactly like the myth or are you gonna change it a bit eg. letthem go to the mortal world on a date?
update soooon!
kissedbynight chapter 4 . 7/24/2012
This story is amazing! please up-date!
nicolefoxy22 chapter 4 . 7/18/2012
Very good so far. I have always loved Hades and Persephone as a couple, and would like to think that they would have loved each other.
writergirl97 chapter 4 . 7/12/2012
I really like this. It's a great idea, and I enjoy your version so much. Update soon, please!
Guest chapter 3 . 7/2/2012
all they have to do meet now
so update soon!
ivyaya56 chapter 1 . 6/16/2012
I love Persephone and Hades together, this is really good keep on writing it!
justanothercollegekid chapter 3 . 6/14/2012
Wow. Your writing style is amazing. I love the discriptions, and the characters feel like real people, not cardboard cutouts that people enjoy writing about so much. love this.
Shaded Silvering Grey chapter 3 . 6/11/2012
Hello. I am Shaded Silvering Grey on fanfiction . net, and you are my first fictionpress story to read. I have always loved Greek mythology, and this is a wonderful interpritation of it. I always envisioned the classic stories to some degree, but this is better than what I have dreamed. I really love that the personalities of the God's are clearly defined (so far) in here. I never really saw Hades as a slightly broody being, or even discontent to a point, so I very much enjoyed that. I also appreciated tha fact that Hermes told Persephone Greek mythology. A story in a story, how nice. Anyways, you get the idea. I'm sorry that you haven't had more reviews! I seriously think that you have been cheated a few. Please keep the story at such a high caliber.

Shaded Silvering Grey
Mara Sousa chapter 3 . 6/8/2012
I am following your fiction and I am loving it. This myth was always one of my favourites and I like your perspective of mother Demeter and Hades.

It is very well written. Congratulations! I am looking foward to see the rest :b
yey chapter 1 . 5/21/2012
yey! ive been lookingfor someone to write persephone and hades story