Reviews for Invincible
ajsmiles chapter 1 . 8/2/2012
I think I've worked out what I like about your one-shots so much. I think (and please ignore me if I’m wrong) it’s because your addressing someone, writing for someone and so the writer’s ‘voice’ is clear and everything, emotion, story, position is conveyed well. I can hear my Literature lecturer repeating: "Interpellation. Interpellation. Interpellation." I guess what I'm trying say is: think about how you want us (mere readers) to come to your writing, how you want to position us in all your writing not just brilliant little one-shots like this.

oh dear... I just became one of those people... this is another great story, well done

Thanks, take care. Andy
atarashiaijou chapter 1 . 5/24/2012
This is a phenomenal piece of work. It rings true and is beautifully crafted. The theme that holds it together and the scene are vivid and honest. I look forward to reading more of your work.