Reviews for Instincts
cyberry chapter 26 . 4/5/2015
Wait... what? That's the end? Will there be a sequel or so? I... I... no, I'm very confused right now... It can't end like this ):

Very well written, though. I enjoyed the story but there are some things that disturbed me... like did she REALLY kill that guy? I often had an inner conflict about should I still go on with reading this? Or should I drop it? Well, I don't know if I should feel glad sticking with it until the end, but I know that I'm disappointed...

Great idea and writing, though.
cyberry chapter 13 . 4/5/2015
Finally the first romance-like scene!
Gosh, I was waiting so desperately for it that I almost stopped reading this story at chapter 12 ... glad I didn't give up! ヽ(;;)ノ

My goodness, at first I anticipated some tenderness and feels with Sam but that didn't happen in the slightest (I mean, he IS a grown-up boy, right?). And then Anthony came. Oh yeah. Anthony. I really, really, reeeeally hope their will be more lovely scenes with those two.

Go for it, Anthoy! \(o)/
lilcarellijohn chapter 26 . 3/25/2015

I also loved the fact that you don't talk about yourself or comment or review after the chapter it was written very professionally.
Loved it
nemoskull chapter 9 . 11/30/2014
sorry, you lost me last chapter.
its a fun story, tho. keep at it.
wellDuh chapter 20 . 11/15/2014
Great story
Iris Nightningale chapter 1 . 9/5/2014
Looking forward to an update and I love the plot!
xkylar chapter 14 . 2/11/2014
Soo, the judge is implying that they want Damia to actually kill the man. None of this sounds so good.

This is interesting. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Dreaminglight chapter 9 . 10/11/2013
Can't wait for the competition to start. I'm excited with what other curses you're going to plan!
Max Saturday the Dragon-Human chapter 7 . 9/26/2013
Heh I kind of know how with controlling instinct
mackiejenn chapter 2 . 9/18/2013
Added suspense, a little more information. Good build for a second chapter.
mackiejenn chapter 1 . 9/18/2013
I loved the suspense that built in the beginning of the chapter. The intensity of her fight against her instincts was great! It was pretty clean of grammatical and spelling errors. I would maybe have filtered some sort of internal something, anything, throughout the first chapter, as I didn't get any hint about what the story will be about, if that makes sense? But overall, very interesting concept.
Dark Shadow Goddess chapter 1 . 6/14/2012
nice chapter! what is this instict of hers? and r u plz gonna continue?
Ancaroch chapter 1 . 6/11/2012
I really like this story so far. It's got a couple of things that need work, but the only thing I'll mention is that; while it's not gramatically illigal, you're not supposed to start any two paragraphs with the same word, it shows bad form. Otherwise good job and I'll be looking forward to the next chapter!