Reviews for Canis Lupus
Guest chapter 16 . 5/5/2020
So good so far! My imaginations of what would come next are so lacking but seems all I will get for now. Loved reading this! I want more but still do not regret reading :) Thank you for what you have written and I hope you success in the future or at least happiness and fulfillment in writing whatever or whenever you feel like it. This story has so many good things! Like: characters- I can relate and love them, details like the housing and werewolf history and everything, things to look forward to but still amazing surprises, feelings, mystery but background, I was never bored! Really so good! Thinking about your story points out what a good story should have but man it sounds like a lot of work but that work I think makes you a strong not just creative or passionate writer just like Mika is a strong architect because of her schooling and hard work along with her passion and style so... you need both the strength/work and the creativity/passion. Thank you for having and doing both as you wrote this far!
Guest chapter 16 . 12/20/2018
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! This is why I try to avoid reading stories that are incomplete. Your story was AMAZING and I just want to read more! I hope you update it one day, hopefully sooner than later. It was brilliant; I couldn't get enough of it. So, please update it and save us from unrest :)
Blackdraumdancer chapter 1 . 10/2/2018
I'm still hoping you'd continue this story someday. It is one of my absolute favourites, and I reread it at least once a year I love your portrayal of the weres and what we learned so far about how they came to be and would love to learn more. I really like your characterization and the dynamics between them as well :)
Elina chapter 16 . 8/12/2018
I know you may have given up on this fic but I just wanted to let you know how much I love it! I’ve recently gotten into supernatural / were fics and this is one of the best. If you ever consider completing Ty and Mika’s story I would love to read it!
Acie chapter 6 . 2/19/2018
love this story
IsntItFunny chapter 16 . 10/18/2017
RIGHT as answers are starting to form, the story ENDS.

I thoroguhly enjoyed reading every chapter that has been posted for this story. Its a shame that it has not been continued. I hope youve continued creative endeavors elsewhere. You have a gift.
Gues chapter 16 . 3/26/2017
Have you ever thought of publishing? I hope you updated soon! This story is so good!
Acrimony27 chapter 16 . 2/8/2017
I have loved this story for years. And though it's been 3 years (and counting) since you last updated I still come back to it in the hopes that one day you'll decide to continue. I've gotta day CLASS is one of the best, if only, realistic wolf stories that isn't about mauling each other and ripping clothes off in a frenzied heat - or some magic pixie hybrid that is indispensable to the pack because magic. The characters are wonderful and I especially love how clueless mika is and genuine way you wrote her defensiveness in the earlier chapters. I can't wait for Lobo to meet her - and maybe even Fillip. Wouldn't mind anything really at this point. Table scraps even. C'mon De Coer throw me a bone here *puppy eyes*
Ashes2Ashes chapter 16 . 9/10/2016
Oh my gosh how could you be so cruel? The story was just getting good and bam no more. Nothing written in years? Lame times a hundred.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/6/2016
It has been so long since you last updated this story I hope you haven't forgotten about it. Please come back. This story is absolutely amazing. I definitely think it could be published. I know I would certainly spend money on this book. Anyways, I hope you come back and finish this story. It is to good to be left undone.
LoveDenied chapter 16 . 3/31/2016
To say it would be a pleasure to read this story to its completion would be an understatement. I love what you've started here and really hope you'll post the finished work. You have talent.
Gaaras Beloved chapter 16 . 2/12/2016
This story is so amazing! I love everything about it.
Guest chapter 16 . 12/8/2015
I really hope you finish this story. You stopped at such an interesting part.
RomanceObsessed chapter 16 . 9/3/2015
Please update soon! I miss this story so much! It is one of the best that I have found on this website!
Guest chapter 16 . 7/30/2015
I wish you would update :-(
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