Reviews for The Breakup Plan
the-booky-bookworm chapter 1 . 6/4/2020
This sounds so wonderful - I hope you decide to publish/repost!
torrential2rayn chapter 5 . 7/1/2013
As always, I'm enjoying your story!
toffeema chapter 5 . 5/7/2013
update soon! pretty please!
Ceri Anne chapter 5 . 4/2/2013
So. Colin seems like a bit of a jerk, no waiting to see if she got home okay, and being far too friendly with her seeing as he has a girlfriend! How cute is Alex, though? I want me an Alex (my husband might not to too pleased with that though...)
Midnight113 chapter 5 . 3/29/2013
Thanks for updating, I'm really enjoying this story. Keep up the amazing work!
Choukou chapter 5 . 3/27/2013
Urggg, I just want to shake her and Alex for not seeing that they would be good together!
GoNe RoGuE chapter 5 . 3/23/2013
Wow, this story is very interesting and hypnotizing despite only having five chapters. Alex seems like a great guy who is deemed perfect and has flaws obviously. Nick seems like your typical brother and Nicky is kind of a bitch and slightly judgmental - but I hate stories with perfect characters - so unrealistic. I really hope you'll update soon and this is definitely gonna be my main source of literature entertainment on FP for right now. Update soon please!
Carmel March chapter 5 . 3/21/2013
So happy to see an update for this story! I really love that you can write so many different kinds of romances (action-y, college-based, twentysomethings, etc) and they each have their own voice and unique characters.

This chapter was great and really showed the parallels between a guy like Collin and a guy like Alex. Collin seems okay now (well, not really, the warning signs are definitely there) and Nicky is justifying his actions as any girl would be a guy she likes. I'm so excited to see how her feelings and priorities change over the course of this story. Alex is just so cute and I love him.

Can't wait for more. Awesome job as always :)
Thess2002 chapter 5 . 3/20/2013
Colin, what a two-faced ass! I love that you updated this story, I am super excited about it. I love the plot and cannot wait to read and find out more. I love that Alex worries about her and takes care of her where Colin does not... Please update soon! :-)
londongirl123 chapter 5 . 3/20/2013
I've been reading this story for the past hour and I love the storyline! I like the connections you have created between the characters but I'm a little confused. Is it Nicky that likes Collin? Because sometimes in the same conversation 'Col' is mentioned and I'm thinking its Nicky in the conversation. I can't wait to read more though :)
Life Love Sanity chapter 5 . 3/19/2013
Ahhhhh! I had such high hopes when Nicole wanted to change and not be sexually frustrated and she just happened to be drunk and with Alex. You foiled me. But I like it. Don't like Collin though... Hopefully he'll disappear soon :)
funnechick chapter 5 . 3/19/2013 has been awhile. And what's so sad is that you're updating your other story all the time, but this is the one I'm more interested in. So, I get jealous of the fans of your other one, haha! I'll try to give it a chance sometime though. ;)

In the meantime, I hope I'll be able to read another chapter of this story soon. I enjoy reading about the chemistry between two characters (even if it is not with the right guy); however, Colin really needs to watch how he behaves with someone other than his girlfriend.
Agent 0 chapter 5 . 3/19/2013
Oh man, they're so cute! I like how she's so comfortable around Alex - and trying to be cool around Collin. Remember those days well myself! I love this.
FeliciaGray chapter 5 . 3/19/2013
I really love how your characters are so distinct. And this premise is interesting. Can't wait to see where you're going to take it. Please update soon. :)
foreternity chapter 5 . 3/19/2013
yay! :) you updated, ahah awww poor nicky :s i think alex and nicky are cuter than nicky and collin :P he seems nicer and more caringg LOOL (: hope you'll update soon again! :)
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