Reviews for Glimpse
Love A Mysterious Thing chapter 1 . 9/2/2012
This to me reinvented the phrase of putting yourself into someone else's shoes. It's a lesson in itself and an amazing quote to live by but when it comes to someone who you're heart becomes irrevocably infatuated by then it creates a masterpiece like this. i loved it. The questions that make up the poem are stunning. If they were physical, they would be beautiful and draped in gold that makes everyones heads turn. questions are a strong device and engage the reader. It was a great technique and gave this poem a strong wit to it. I loved reading this. great, great write. You're a great writer.
Natari Mirumura chapter 1 . 8/3/2012
This poem is very beautiful, and has a lot of soul. Amazing job, keep it up :D
Onearmwonder21 chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
Omg this is amazing.