Reviews for Even Angels Have Wicked Schemes
Sayuri Lapis chapter 1 . 10/22/2014
Write more!
Lady-Nimue chapter 1 . 9/24/2012
Lovely. Made me wonder the whole time if the visitor had good intentions until the final I love you. All in all, very clever and much appreciated.
skye real chapter 1 . 8/31/2012
Wow! This is a hot story line. Definitely enjoyed reading this. One thing about fantasies is that anything goes no matter how bizarre the story is - that's what makes it so intriguing, as well as the hot sex scenes :-)

I am looking forward to see how the story unfolds ;-)

Awesome job by the way :-)
Dill Wilson chapter 1 . 8/30/2012
The summary explains that the angel visits every other night - but there's no set up in the story...who is he? Why does he come? I would add a paragraph or two somewhere in the story (perhaps in her voice) explaining the set up to give the story some legs/meaning (other than just the sex - which is an enjoyable read, but the story lacks context/purpose as it is. (Is the angel the spirit of a dead guy she once knew? A lost soul trying to experience Sex he didn't enjoy on Earth while he was alive?)

Good Job!