Reviews for Dear Diary
SpongeSong chapter 4 . 3/12/2014
cliche and bitch-slap are terms I think she's too young to know. Her replies are too adult...
SilverTintedMist chapter 15 . 12/30/2012
Cool story!

I loved the part about leaders and followers.
Epic F. Awesomesauce chapter 14 . 12/30/2012
Okay, do you like how I didn't notice that I didn't read chapter fourteen and just went straight to fifteen and now am reviewing chapter fourteen? *sniggers* I know, I'm a weirdo. So, I'd just like you to know that while it was good when I didn't know what was going on so much... it's even better now. XD XD
Epic F. Awesomesauce chapter 15 . 12/30/2012
I FINALLY GOT AROUND TO READING THIS AND I THINK IT SHOULD BE A MOVIE! *humphs* So go on, get on with it, turn it into a movie script! XD Just kidding, but seriously, it would scare the living FUCK out of me. XD
Princess Della chapter 1 . 11/4/2012
Its quite a good one
obik16 chapter 15 . 11/2/2012
That was amazing! Super creepy and perfect for Halloween! Thanks for the mention, by the way. You made an awesome story!
Dawnseclipse327 chapter 15 . 11/2/2012
Guess thats it huh? What a chilling ending! I was also listening to Taylor's Swift Haunted to give it a more creepy effect! Its like the dolls and Alice switch place; now they want freedom while Alice is the cruel ruler! This is going on my favorites!
TasteTheFreakingRainbow chapter 15 . 11/2/2012
nice job with all of this, it is great :D
TasteTheFreakingRainbow chapter 14 . 11/1/2012
is it over O.o
Mantequilla de Soria chapter 14 . 11/1/2012
Dawnseclipse327 chapter 14 . 11/1/2012
Perfect for Halloween, this needs to be a movie!
Epic F. Awesomesauce chapter 13 . 10/31/2012
Holy shiznips! SCARIES! But, I think if I were Alice... I would've broken them. All of them. With an ax. *manic grin* It sounds fun, eh?
Dawnseclipse327 chapter 13 . 10/30/2012
Oh no not Alice...
Mantequilla de Soria chapter 13 . 10/29/2012
dvdfgfdgdfg chapter 12 . 10/25/2012
Just looked over across my bedroom, guess what? About six porcelain dolls just sitting on my shelf. I collect them and now they're scaring me... :/
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