Reviews for Kailin's Keeper
Elysian913 chapter 11 . 1/1/2013
I hope you continue this story. You're an excellent writer!
starryeyedd chapter 11 . 12/7/2012
I love this fic! I'm really liking Zaks & Graven, I hope to read more of them! PLEASE update soon :)
DarksideOfTheMoon342 chapter 11 . 11/28/2012
That was really good.
lulubell97 chapter 1 . 11/26/2012
more! please!
Ali C chapter 10 . 11/11/2012
I still love this, please keep on updating! The flashbacks don't bother me, in fact I think that they add a lot to the story.
Also, I can't wait to meet Zak's dominant!
DarksideOfTheMoon342 chapter 10 . 11/11/2012
You dont transition very well from the flashbacks back to real time. I love the flashbacks, their awesome! They give some interesting insight into the current relationship between the commander and the prince. You rely too much on the italics and breaks to show the beginning and end of the flashbacks. During the entire attack I was picturing a six year old holding the knife, especially because of the choice of language. I know that the reason why you used "boy," and "sir" is because its a conversation between a dominate, and submissive, but it works between a child and adult too. I just think that you should've put something like "A now twenty-two (Is that his age? I forget.) year old Kailin reached out with trembling fingers, and pulled a dagger from the dead body in front of him." I don't know if I commented about this before or am getting that de ja vu feeling... I hate to be repetitive... Anyway, other than your transition problem, I love your story. I check every morning and evening before I go to bed just so that I can read the latest on this story. I think it was better to put the flashback first, so that the readers understand why he said what he said before passing out. It put an endearing smirk on my face. You sure now how to put an "aww, how cute," factor in almost every chapter. Your flashbacks show the love between them more than anything else. So keep up with the flashbacks, their awesome!
Pandee chapter 10 . 11/11/2012
Another great chapter! Thank you:)
Lit. Addict chapter 9 . 10/30/2012
Oh my gosh!
Keeeeeep writttttiiiinnnggg!
. Sorry, I really love both of your stories you should definitely keep going because I can't wait for the rest. Your characters are so amazing and your stories are so intense and alsdjf;aiwjef;asdjf I just can't wait to read more!
Satellite-Princess chapter 9 . 10/29/2012
Yea I doubt he is going to take that easily. Bad luck Kailin!
Pandee chapter 1 . 10/28/2012
Loving this story, you have an amazing imagination...Please update soon as I can't wait! :)
attagrl chapter 3 . 10/24/2012
I'm really enjoying this! Hoping it doesn't get too angsty with lots of UST or URL
Dark Angel Princess Sarah chapter 8 . 10/21/2012
I love it!
DarksideOfTheMoon342 chapter 8 . 10/21/2012
That was really good! lol I guess lukin bound him again while he slept.
Satellite-Princess chapter 7 . 10/19/2012
I have been following this story on AFF! I am so happy to see it on here!
GrangerDanger333 chapter 7 . 10/18/2012
OH WOW! Can't wait for some more AND this smuttiness you speak of... hmm... :D I love Araz! [and obviously Lukin and Kailin 3 ]

This is seriously a very well written story and its just really interesting -loving the bonding/drive thing and all the animals and food and stuff [I would be so bad at coming up with a whole new world and all that kind of imaginary stuff you wrote about...] Anyway, what I meant to say was NICE ONE :D
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