Reviews for Tales of the Underground
professional griefer chapter 11 . 5/22/2013
Oh man. Your awesomeness strikes again:)
I actually really like the five times/one time format with this story, I think it works really well with the world-you can cover a lot of ground in less words with it. You used it really well-I'd love to see more of it, maybe with Jimmy and Whatsername?

I also love Shanks and Roxie's relationship, it seems like it shouldn't work but you just make it believeable and...I ship them really hard...
Okay, my attempt at being helpful totally just fell apart.

But seeing that you updated made my day, so thank you so much.
Great work.
professional griefer chapter 10 . 3/30/2013
Oh my God.
I love these oneshots beyond belief. Your world is so vivid and original that it's a treat to read more and learn more about it, and your characters are oddly relatable, considering that they're magical. I love how well you managed to incorporate the lyrics and ideas of the album into the narrative too. It also helps that it's my favorite album.

The emotions in this are so strong and kind of raw, in a way, and I...yeah. I think this is pretty much a perfect oneshot collection.

Only complaints: the chapters are really long, and I got used to it, but in the beginning when you were calling your characters by all these different names I was getting confused.

Other than that, just lovely.