Reviews for Play Dates
drew chapter 16 . 9/1/2014
I'm so glad that you're not dropping this story! Been waiting for the new chapter! Love the story...and damn it Trey! Grow a backbone!
liz chapter 16 . 9/1/2014
I'm so happy you didn't give up on this story. It's definitely one of my favourite stories on this site.
ereysierra chapter 16 . 9/1/2014
Happy Birthday! I'm on my way to 24 as well yaaayyy!
Thank you for the update! It made me so happy when I checked my email this morning to see that there was a new chapter. It's ok if you needed time or even if you need it again at some point to feel in a right place to write or create, don't be so hard on yourself. This story is sooooo good I think you should enjoy every minute of writing it, letting it be your outlet, not having it be a burden. That said...
I loved the chapter! I like Kevin a lot and I think that if Trey were living another kind of life, with less responsibilities, he would really do right by him, it's so heartbreaking that he can't, that maybe he can't even admit to himself that he loves Kevin. And I think he does, just maybe not with the same intensity of a 18 year old.
I can't wait to see what happens next!
thank you again!
multisink chapter 16 . 8/31/2014
I am so glad to see you update! Another great chapter, thanks so much!
MintyChapstick chapter 16 . 8/31/2014
So thrilled to see this! I missed these lovely, troubled boys.
Grace chapter 13 . 8/26/2014
This story is truly amazing. The development of the story with each character is well done and I look forward for more. The biggest issue I have is the lack of commitment authors have to stories they put up. There are a lot of great unfinished fiction stories out there and it bothers me. Then again I do appreciate the time and effort free fiction writers put into their work. A story like this deserves to be noticed much more then it is. Really looking forward to an update one day. From the looks of it I think its safe to say this story will be discontinued for some time.
ereysierra chapter 12 . 5/14/2014
Hi! I've already reviewed this story a few months ago, and I still think it's great. This are just some encouraging words for you to continue it.
Yesterday I was working and out of nowere I remembered those words Kevin said: " You are beautiful. You are wonderful. You deserve to be loved and I love you" and i had this urge to read Play Dates all over again. It, done. Still a beautiful piece of good writing. Thanks for writing, thanks for sharing.
Winnie T chapter 15 . 3/29/2014
I'm so happy you updated again :D I really do love this story.
ereysierra chapter 15 . 3/10/2014
Jessie, thank you so much for writing this story. I hope to God that you'll finish it, but even if for whatever circumstances you couldn't keep writing it anymore, it would still have been worth it, for me, to get to know this characters. I even like Julie. More like you've made me understand her when she should have been the obstacle in my new epic gay love. I get her, and I'm so involved with Trey and Kevin, with their flaws.

I think one of the strongest points in your story is how you take this, apparently uninteresting and boring, people and put them under a more complex light. How you make mediocrity, beautiful. I've read More Beautiful than Me recently and while i liked it and i kept me hooked for almost a week, it did seem too extraordinary. The ordinary in Play Dates it's what makes it so great. Cheating wives, stressed parents, clueless kids, what's new, really? Well, you've taken all these old themes and made something unique out of it.

And thank you really, for sharing this with the world.

serwaverider chapter 8 . 1/7/2014
Really enjoying the story. Last beat is fantastic, really good delivery. I even gave "a tiny twitch of the lips that was probably distantly related to a smile," and added a small sigh of relief, that Trey feels...whatever, I need to read more first to say for sure ( in my mind lol ). In any case the best last line of a chapter I have read and I think this story is number 149.
DollyMarie chapter 15 . 12/30/2013
I absolutely love this story. It's so well written and in depth. I really hope you're still working on it and update soon.
Anon chapter 15 . 12/8/2013
I just wanted to say thank you for continuing and updating this story, even though you're super busy. I always appreciated it, even when I didn’t vocalize it, but it brings it home more when other authors leave and abandon their projects here. I really appreciate that you’re still sticking with it and sharing it with us, and I look forward to reading more if/when you have time. Take it easy, & take care of yourself!
fleurmort chapter 15 . 11/5/2013
Firstly, to addresss your author's note, I'd like to say that I take so much enjoyment out of any of your updates regardless of the time in between. Please keep writing, at whatever pace feels natural, knowing that there will always be those of us ready & beyond happy to read what you have for us. Thank you for not abandoning this story!

Now on to the chapter! My word! There are so many feelings I want to put out there about this chapter. I'll start with my growing rage for Julie and her attitude. I understand her fear & anger, but there is no way she can say that what Trey did was unjustified and completely different than her and Greg. Which brings me to the worst of it, her careless & blunt admittance of her 'love' for Greg. She has absolutely zero shame. It disgusts me.
Aside from my shert toward Julie, I have to admit that Trey got under my skin today with how he so easily threw his guilt out the window and basically called Kevin like a "booty-call" to ease his somewhat-deserved pains. It was tactless and dirty on his part and I was really proud of how Kevin handled himself through tears and all! Yet I continue to try and move past the bitter taste in my mouth because I still so desperately want Trey & Kevin (mostly Kevin) to have a happy ending. I hope so much that Trey will finally see Kevin for all he's worth in following chapters. I also hope that Kevin doesn't become too disenchanted with Trey. I suppose in the end, all human beings have their flaws.

Anywho, wonderful job. You don't fail to impress ever! I wait with baited breath for you're following instalment! Until then, many good vibes & so much respect to you! :)
Anon chapter 15 . 10/28/2013
Ok, the past few chapters I have at some points felt sympathy or at least some mixed feelings about Julie, but this chapter I got pretty fed up with her. The whole 'martyr' thing Julie is pulling (loved Greg for 5 years) is rather irksome. Their marriage is so bleak. If Julie has been that unhappy with Trey, I dunno... I guess she felt gratitude towards him, and he was such a good father to Ash, okay, but surely now she should be able to see that it's time to end this charade?
Also, I was not so impressed with how Trey was treating Kevin when he was in the car, but I'm glad he made up for it with his phone message.
Sorry, that was pretty negative (towards your characters, not to you or your writing of course!). I think I should read this chapter again when I'm in a different mood, and hopefully write a better review.
One small thing I was wondering is who is going to pick Ash up at Donny's if Trey has their car...? Maybe he is staying over... I should reread previous chapters too obviously : ).
I really appreciate your perseverance in finishing and posting this chapter despite time constraints and lack of inspiration - I hope that comes back soon though, especially since I'm guessing that Kevin will be in the next chapter : ). Thanks a lot, & take care!
multisink chapter 15 . 10/27/2013
Thanks so much for the update. Lovely as usual :)
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