Reviews for Play Dates
chibikodo chapter 15 . 10/26/2013
Julie sounds like a horrible mother. Using her kids to hurt Trey. As if she doesn't view them as a burden herself. I wonder if Ash realizes that his mother doesn't like Trey... He seems like a pretty smart kid.

And poor Kevin, caught in the middle.
nffhkasjfnbsdkjb chapter 15 . 10/26/2013
I was so happy to see the email telling me you'd updated :)

And oh, so many difficult emotions in this, a real rollercoaster of a chapter. In the beginning I felt angry at both Julie and Trey- Julie for wanting to hurt Trey for hurting her and Trey for being so irresponsible and so horrible to poor Kevin. It's true Kevin really doesn't deserve it, and unless Trey is going to love him he should let him go- I have to admit I did hope he would realise something along those lines but now I'm resigned to the fact Trey is just using him to make himself feel better. It's all so sad! But a great involving read. Your pacing is good too.
I look forward to your updates whenever.

ImmanenceEnsured chapter 15 . 10/26/2013
Trey daughters time, YES! Thank you, author, even though it was short.
Trey standing up to Julie - 'Maybe YOU should go', YES! Thanks you Trey.
'No one had ever tried to take away his children; this time he had something well worth fighting for', So right. Love you Trey, you stand up for yourself.
'Every time I've spent the night with you you've regretted it the next day' - Auch, auch auch, sorry Kevin but you're right, and I'm so glad you've realized it. And Trey too, he doesn't treat Kevin right. So glad THAT's in the open now. Love you, author.

Cute. VERY good chapter, made my morning. You're really taking this into an exciting direction and your characters keep growing and showing new sides. This is brilliant.
MintyChapstick chapter 15 . 10/25/2013
Ohhh yay, I was so happy to see an update. I missed Trey and Kevin. What a bitchy thing for Julie to do, but she is kind of a bitch after all. At least Kev and Trey get a night together again. :D Thank you for the update, don't be sorry it's been a while, stuff happens!
ImmanenceEnsured chapter 14 . 10/20/2013
This was an outstanding chapter yet again, but it made me feel uneasy.
1. Trey's attraction to Kevin is hugely physical, there is no mention of him praising Kevin's personality or helpfulness, it is always only 'his lean body' or 'his warm hands'. This is disconcerting, because it feels like he only likes Kevin because Kevin treats him with love. I don't know if this is intentional or not.
2. Trey feeling the need to EXPLAIN HIMSELF to Julie the queen of neglect and secrets. What is wrong with him, and what is wrong with this woman? Is she crazy? Why is Trey always the one suffering the most.
I'm not going to lie, if there isn't any serious payback for Julie I'm going to be very frustrated, but then again this is your story and you're doing a marvelous job, I'm not going to complain.

Thanks a bunch for this update, I forgot to follow.
toshica chapter 3 . 9/24/2013
I'm crying for Trey.
Winnie T chapter 14 . 8/31/2013
Wow! So dramatic and emotional... as usual I'm really impressed. You should think about publishing seriously someday.
Winnie T chapter 13 . 8/31/2013
Why on earth are all these chapters so flipping sad? Not that I don't like it and all that but it still makes me want to cry. I hope you don't think I'm weird for getting so into your story and all.
Winnie T chapter 12 . 8/31/2013
Oh my gosh. I was almost crying by the end of this chapter... You have such a gift of writing. Your story really pulls at my heartstrings. I do hope they get to be together someday, even though realistically it's impossible.
Guest chapter 14 . 8/28/2013
Oh man! This story is amazing! Please please update! It so hard to find good slash stories like these on fictionpress
Shane chapter 11 . 8/28/2013
You write the best sex scenes. The build up relationship between Kevin and Trey makes this story even better. Hoping you update more often because I love this!
whatisit chapter 14 . 8/17/2013
Oh wow this is such a sad situation and I hope Julie doesn't turn out to be the typical bitch in the end or anything, because even though I don't like her she hasn't seemed like a bad person so far... Oh well
Very nicely written, I love your characters :)
chibikodo chapter 14 . 8/12/2013
Oh Trey- Julie will never understand the emotional abuse she put you through. Now that you're no longer acting like a doormat, she shouldn't be surprised by the revelation that you need someome to reciprocate those feeligs.

Also Kevin may be only 18... But there's only an 8 year difference and the older you get, the smaller the gap seems.
TinaLouise chapter 14 . 7/31/2013
What a chapter! Wow!
RueRue1396 chapter 1 . 7/31/2013
been long time coming ... julie finding out seemed out of no where but i think her reaction and trey's fumbling were realistic and better than if julie had asked for a divorce their and then because frankly for a second there i thought she was and it is scary because trey is in a bad place so even though getting him away from julie would be good for him if she decides to play dirty he will lose
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