Reviews for Play Dates
Preposterous chapter 14 . 7/29/2013
Julie... what a Bitch with a capital B. She slept around so had no right to call the kettle black
Preposterous chapter 3 . 7/29/2013
Trey needs to wake up, do something to feel good about himself, and move on.
Preposterous chapter 1 . 7/29/2013
This chapter is very realistic in its portrayal of marital problems and hardships. As I read it, several points really stuck out to me.

One. Trey's had it hard, but he dug his own grave. Really. He hardly has a right to complain (and he doesn't). I pity him, but I can't sympathize with him.

Two. There seems to be a sense/notion that the wife should be taking care of the baby. I get that it's unfair that Trey has to do all the work but at the same time it's undeniable that HE wanted the babies in the first place and she did spend 9 months carrying the babies. Also there's the whole deal about paternity leave probably not being a real thing (it prob. Isn't in the U.S.) and I think that sucks because it should be, but society is still hung up on he notion that it's the wife's duty to take care of the kids.

Anyway the first chapter alone provoked a lot of feelings so I'm looking forwarx to reading more.
mamaliz chapter 14 . 7/26/2013
Ouch... there's a lot of Trey hate going on here. I don't hate him! I don't think you describe him in a way that makes him unlikable. He is a realistic character, flawed like most people are, but not to the degree that it makes him utterly repulsive by any means. I think you have accomplished very well to describe a man completely crippled by his own lack of self-esteem: He is not just a 'perfect victim' of somebody else's evil doings but also a victim of his own low self-esteem and lack of backbone. I think that there are an awful lot of people like Trey in real life, which is why he is such a great and realistic character.
yellow1105 chapter 14 . 7/25/2013
Hi, I am still reading this story and was very happy to get an update. Please keep going. I like this story very much. The characters are very real. I am very curious how they will now proceed.
Vallucast chapter 14 . 7/24/2013
Oh my, I really wanted to plant my claw on someone's face when they fight, preferably Julie. And yesh, I'm still around to read and review.
Can you be a bit nicer to these people inside this story, because they seem suffering a lot lot.
BlueBlue chapter 14 . 7/23/2013
You make the main character really unlikeable.
Guest chapter 14 . 7/23/2013
Finally she knows. I couldn't breath the whole time I read this, it was just that good.
nffhkasjfnbsdkjb chapter 14 . 7/23/2013
Dude that was one emotional chapter. Superb! Oh Trey's last words made me want to cry!
I felt so tense as Julie was going through Trey's texts, and I was almost relieved thinking she wasn't going to find anything- you got the pacing just perfect. And I have to say this is the first time I've had any doubt about the good in Trey and Kevin's relationship- because Trey might unwittingly be using him and the relationship is really just bad news for Kevin- maybe because Trey seems weak.

This story is compulsive reading and I'd love to find out what's going to happen next:)

fleurmort chapter 14 . 7/23/2013
Oh my gosh! This chapter! I loved it. It made me cringe so many times and feel embarrassed FOR Trey. Poor guy. You certainly did a fantastic job with this one. I can't say that I dislike Julie any less though... She still rubs me the wrong way. I just find her to be so ungrateful and she oozes double-standards. But that just showcases your talent for creating these characters. I can't say Trey wasn't wrong in his actions or that Julie wasn't justified in her reaction, but I'm still rooting for Trey. On that note, I miss Kevin ): ! Poor baby probably feels totally miserable. I don't know if he shows up next chapter, but I'm crossing my fingers! Can't wait until the next one is up! 33
LeKo chapter 14 . 7/23/2013
I never really liked Trey, to be honest. I still don't. You describe him as a very weak man. His only excuse is Ash and not wanting to lose him. But that excuse ended when he tried to bribe him. Nevertheless, I like to know what will happen now that Julie knows. Trey is a bit of a whiner, with typical 'female' behavior; "as long as I am friendly and nice, I deserve a happy life". It's good to realize one is not as perfect as one thought. I hope that is what is going to happen, although in true life it often doesn't. I don't like Julie at all either. Self absorbed. It would be nice to see their life a bit more broad. What is there that Trey doesn't see, or realize. Not Julie's point of view per se, but Trey, being this weak might overlook some things. Is Julie that strict because of Trey character or is she just the bitch Trey thinks she is. I keep thinking that they deserve each other.
In any case, I like what you do so far. I think it's an effort to write about two unappealing main characters and make it arresting. I keep following this story, no matter how long it takes.
MintyChapstick chapter 14 . 7/23/2013
I pretty much woke out of a dead sleep and checked my phone to see a nice email saying my favorite story has been update. I couldn't decide if I wanted to save it for morning to read or read it half-asleep but then I realized there was no way I was gonna fall back to sleep knowing there was a new chapter to read. Lol

Anyway, this was just ouchie (not in a bad way) to read. I was just so uncomfortable for Trey when she mentioned the bribe, yikes. I really wasn't expecting the whole thing to come out. Poor Trey, how is this gonna end up okay for him? :( I already want more! Is there any chance I could just fall asleep for another few hours and wake up to another chapter? :D

Sorry, wish I could do more "helpful" reviewing but I'm just a praiser. This was great and lovely and I can't wait for more. :)
fleurmort chapter 13 . 6/29/2013
Oh goodness! I really want Trey to leave Julie. She might have some underlying issues herself, but she's just so awful to him. I really want Kevin & Trey to be happy and together, they deserve each other so much! You write the loveliest love scenes. I can't wait to read more!
ImmanenceEnsured chapter 4 . 6/11/2013
This story is so realistic. Single parenting, the downsides of it, how you're not afraid to describe how Trey is suffering with his girls, repeatedly, angsting over and over again about Julie (the bitch). I have to admit this story is depressing, and I have a hunch it won't get any better, but these little clues you give and the way Trey doesn't immediately warms up to Kevin, it's all very nice. I wish there was more stuff like this on fictionpress, life stuff.
ImmanenceEnsured chapter 1 . 6/11/2013
I love this first chapter, haven’t been so into a set of characters for a long time. First of all Trey is a sweetheart, I wish there were more men like him – full of selfless love, who know what’s important, don’t bullshit and just do their job – and Julie is such a horrible person. She plays the cello though (Bach’s 2nd Suite is my favourite too! But I didn’t know it was meant for barroque cello, whoops) and apparently she’s passionate about music, which is wonderful, but really woman, priorities. It is egocentric people like that who start wars without blinking.
If Trey had married a wonderful wife, he could’ve been so happy. And I don’t blame him for feeling a bit estranged from Anna and Eva – a man can’t be expected to take care of his infant daughter on his own and feel perfectly emotionally fine with it.

“Trey knew he shouldn't complain, knew there were people in the world that were homeless and starving, people in prison, people with cancer, people who had literally lost their minds, but he couldn't help feeling glum sometimes.” – awwwwwwwwwww! Such a good, considerate person!
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