Reviews for The Right Thing
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 1 . 12/31/2013
Wow!The descriptions were so perfectly done,not too much but just right to give a good the way everything comes out slowly,I really like the way you write already,and the characters so far too,both of them,I can't hate any of them for doing what they are doing but i already feel bad for the kids!
Demonturntables chapter 22 . 12/23/2013
This feels so realistic something that would actually happen
Yugima chapter 22 . 11/23/2013
I have been reduced to a puddle of melted blubbering happy mush. So many warm and fuzzy feels!

Great ending to a great story! Bravo!
Yugima chapter 18 . 11/22/2013
I love this story! At first I was reluctant because, based on the summary, I though it might be just another botched attempt at writing about a real life gay relationship (as oppossed to fantasy stories where both the relationships and intimate scenes far exceeded any reality). But by the end of the first chapter I found myself thoroughly proved wrong. I was hooked!

I really love how real you have kept things. Everything from the pace of Jacobe and Daniel's relationship to the family dynamics. Despite the fact that the hole Daniel is in only seems to get deeper, its all realistic. Its sad, but every one of the homophobic reactions you decribe, the situations Daniel, Jacob, and Marcel and Carmen are but in are well within the realm of reality. This could (and does) really happen in today's world, as much as I wish it didn't. Never underestimate what people would do when faced with something they do not agree with. And in the case of homophobia, it can get ugly fast.

Ive nearly bawled my eyes out after the scenes where Marcel is bullied by his "friends". I want nothing more than to hug the kid. And Daniel, god, the poor man cant catch a break. I do hope Jacob comes back and gives him the support he so desperatly needs. Poor baby.

So, keep it up! I'm loving it!

I do have one questiong though in this chapter. When you said "Their oldest kid, the one he hadn't fathered, was almost four now" are you saying that Jacob helped his Lesbian friends by fathering children for them? Just a little unclear is all.


MintyChapstick chapter 22 . 10/20/2013
Just finished reading this, it was really good. I liked the little plot twists, and you did a good job of tying everything up in the end but in a realistic way. Thanks for sharing this!
Pantu chapter 22 . 8/5/2013
I finally got to the end, and I thoroughly enjoyed your story. It was well writen, thought provoking, sweet and sexy.

To answer your questions I liked the characters, I though Daniel was a great lead, with his complete certainty about who he was and what he wanted balanced equally against his certainty that he must surpress his need for men, in order to live a 'propper' life.
There wasn't anything I didn't like, except perhaps that you didn't write their final sex scene :P but that's only my inner need for smut complaining and didn't really detract from the overall story.

I started reading your work because I saw it in a favourite's list of someone who's liked something I've writen. And I kept reading because I liked the story line and the characters and your writing style.

Thanks for sharing your work.
Pantu chapter 13 . 8/4/2013
So, I started reading this yesterday, and I haven't reviewed until now because I don't like writing on my phone and I was just going to write you a review at the end. Then I realised that made me a big hypocrite - because I like lots of reviews - so here I am, to tell you how much I'm enjoying this story.

I found your characters interesting and convincing, your balance between the different people's pov is great and gives a nice amount of depth and understanding to the story. I feel that the way they behave is very realistic and natural. And you write sex scenes very well, a lovely balance of just enough detail to lead but give enough room for the readers imagination. So definitly no need to hide - although I understand the sentiment.

Regarding the events in this particular chapter I think that was done very well. Your forshadowing was excellently done, because this was still a surprise but at the same time now I look back I can see all the hints and clues you left.

Finally, there are a few gramatical mistakes but overall the quality of your writing is probably better than a lot of the writing I've read by native English speakers. I didn't even realise you might not be English until you mentioned Stockholme in one of the earlier chapters.

So yes, a great story so far, and I'll be reading the last half over the next few days.
UnbridledSilence chapter 22 . 7/5/2013
As a parent of two married to a man who recently discovered he is bi (largely due to my interest in slash), there is a certain amount of drama and concern about so many things. Will he still want me, will he want the kids, etc.
I'm on the lucky end if the spectrum with a man won comes to me first, and to whom marriage vows and kids come before anything.
Despite my happy resolutions, the thought of families dealing with this subject and worse makes me incredibly sad.
You have managed to give your characters a dignity and grace, along with a gut wrenching and realistic reaction to the threat of losing the kids.
The wife was maybe a bit villanized, but in the end that was cleaned up well, and honestly, the immediate reaction to learning the man she had spent her life with never desired her...well. That aspect I can't blame her,
As a besotted parent of darling kids though... I was unable to forgive her for leaving them. Which I suspect was the point anyway, so good job. XD
Guest chapter 22 . 5/12/2013
I loved it seemed to fit real life standards really well. Great work.
Arethusa Cyberia chapter 20 . 5/2/2013
This is a very nice, contemporary love story. Your characters are real. I liked how "in awe" Daniel was the first time with Jacob, as though he had finally been allowed access into the Garden of Eden he had wanted for so many years.

I had a feeling that John was so desperate to reach Jacob because something was wrong, and I don't think he was a bad guy. I have respect for John in his attempt to warn Jacob, even though he endangered his lover by not being as careful as he should have been. Good people make bad mistakes too.

You have a good sense of who your characters are, even the children. And, I completely understand why Daniel married Jenny when he knew he was gay. Growing up in a religious family is not easy. I also understand why Jenny left Daniel, even though she came off as a selfish bitch.

I highly recommend that you have someone well-versed in English help you revamp this, because you do have many grammatical errors and some words you use make no sense and change the meaning of your sentences. I could tell that English was not your primary language, but you did a good job relaying your story. Monumental effort! But yes, this story is really good and should be corrected by an English person, if you wish to have it rendered in English or even published in English.

Over all, this is a good job. I was able to relate to your characters, and I love that the sex wasn't always "perfect" just as in real life. There is a difference between perfect sex and perfect partner.
Faradays chapter 1 . 5/2/2013
Loved the story. I just came back to fictionpress and I'm happy to see more authors making cute characters without making them girly and... well, blatantly gay. Daniel's teenager flirting is just adorable.

All the characters felt trully solid. Sure, the ex-wife was a bit of a cartoon villain, but it surely fit the story. Marcel specially, because he was a whiny bitch, and that's pretty much how angsty teenagers act.

Just two things: I felt a tad bit confused because of all the time skips. Maybe add a "A few months later..." between different parts?

And think could've explored Carmen better, rather than focus so much on Marcel. She seemed so attached to him, and if they interacted more you could've brought a lot more life to both of them.
avidmoonstar chapter 22 . 3/19/2013
I absolutely loved this story! It was refreshing to read a story with adult characters that already had established lives. And I think it's an accurate representation of that generation who had to suppress their true selves because the masses were so unaccepting and domineering. Not sure what else to say, but loved it!
Just Entity chapter 22 . 2/18/2013
This story was really good! I'm amazed by how well you wrote this, good job!
drumline chapter 22 . 1/13/2013
I just read this entire story in one sitting! It was amazing!
Guest chapter 22 . 1/11/2013
I'm so sad that this story has come to an end! I started reading this because I really enjoy slash, but stayed because I loved reading about Jacob and Daniel (and Marcel too).
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