Reviews for The Right Thing
Hey Romeo chapter 19 . 1/5/2013
I'm glad that Martin came through for Daniel; just goes to show that he truly does care about him, and that their friendship means more to him than Daniel's sexuality. I'm glad that not everyone is against Daniel. Sure, maybe the list of people in his corner is pretty short... but at least he's not alone, right? Martin is a good guy. :)

Uh oh, Jenny is on the warpath. She's insane! I'm not sure whether to laugh at her antics or be mad at her! I'm just glad Marcel doesn't want to go with her, showing he isn't angry enough at his dad to up and leave. Unless having his own room is the real issue, but I doubt it. p

I absolutely loved that last scene; I honestly love each scene with just Marcel and Carmen. They're adorable, and although they do fight every once in a while, and have that I-annoying-the-crap-out-of-you sibling dynamic, it shows that they love each other and can trust each other. The fact that Marcel "in a way" misses Jacob made me smile.

Jacob should have stuck around! Maybe things wouldn't have been so screwed up with him helping deal with Daniel's outing! But of course, we all know it would have made things easier and who wants that in a story, right? Right.

Good job writing this, as always!
Hey Romeo chapter 18 . 1/5/2013
When Daniel called Jacob and John answered, I was torn between surprise, curiosity and frustration. I still don't want Jacob back with John, but reading this chapter, it made me realize something... I kind of... really don't hate John! I don't particularly like him for playing games with Daniel and making him think something happened with him and Jacob... but I can't hate him! You've managed to make even the story's antagonist likeable. Good job on that! Most "bad guys" are very one-dimensional and fake, but not John. I feel for him, and I do hope he finds happiness. Just not with Jacob. :)

Also, I couldn't help but agree with John. When Jacob was all "You weren't safe, you made a mistake, you didn't use protection, blah blah blah..." I was like "And you, mister? You didn't use protection either!" Hypocrite, much? And then I read on, and John said exactly what I was thinking! Ha!

But the fact that Jacob tested negative was a huge relief! Jacob and Daniel are healthy, and that's good! Things aren't terribly bad!

JACOB FATHERED A BABY?! I actually did not expect that.

As for Jenny, let's just say I was expecting exactly what happened. I figured she would hear very quickly about Daniel from the town, and - although, here I admit it was because I accidentally read one of the reviews someone else gave you - I knew she would use that against him to get the children.

I hope Daniel fights back, because over time he's proven himself to be an excellent father, whereas Jenny was away from them for half a year, barely even talking to the kids.

Good job on this chapter, I can't wait to read more, but at the same time I don't want it to end! LOL
Hey Romeo chapter 17 . 1/5/2013
I wanted to say something important earlier, but I forgot what it was... I've been wracking my brains for the last five minutes, and I seriously can't remember. If I do, I'll be sure to comment, either via review or PM.

So, the fight scene with Marcel and the other football boys made my heart ache for him. It was well written, and I was angry at the trainer when he picked the other boys' side, no questions asked. I loved that scene though, and I give Daniel props for trying to talk to Marcel again. I hope Marcel will open up soon; I have a feeling that once he does, it will do a great deal to fix things between them.

I missed Jacob in this chapter; I hope we see him soon! I want to meet John, too! I want to know what he's like, and if he's really the player Jacob made him out to be. We all know not all characters are as they seem, after all. And I do recall Jacob's mother mentioning that John was torn up about losing Jacob... We'll see, won't we?

I'm still rooting for Jacob and Daniel though!
marginal-utility chapter 21 . 1/5/2013
Its time the angst ended!
The Reverie chapter 21 . 1/5/2013
I wasn't expecting Daniel to end things with Jacob. After all the time for which they had been separated and all the longing to be with him, it surprised me that he would end it just like that. I do understand that he wants to put his kids' needs first, though and it's good that he chose to do that. I'm glad that he got his kids back. I'm sad that there's only one more chapter! I'm guessing that Jacob and Daniel will get back together sometime in the future, perhaps when things have settled down for Daniel.
Dreaming Demon chapter 21 . 1/5/2013
Holy shizz.

I'm so sad that the next chapter is the last! And that Daniel told Jacob 'no more'! I'm really glad Daniel finally got Marcel and Carman back but emegerd, The relationship with Jacob is over D: and Jacob even said he might love Daniel!

Can't wait for the next chapter! Keep on writing! ;)
Hey Romeo chapter 16 . 1/4/2013
No, Jacob, no! Don't go back to John! Daniel will change, he will! Even if I have to swim across the ocean to Sweden to beat his ass into fixing his life!
Hey Romeo chapter 15 . 1/4/2013
Poor Marcel, kids are brutal and I really, really, really hope that things won't stay this way for long. I want these guys to have a happy ending, although I have a feeling it will have to get worse before it can get better.

Well, let me tell you, I'm definitely enjoying the story so far, and no matter how bad things get, I won't ever stop loving it. Daniel actually tried to talk to Marcel in this chapter, so at least THAT was a step in the right direction... right? Although I think with that end scene, Marcel took a million steps in the wrong one. We'll see!

Or, at least, I will. Since I'm reading the chapters a couple days/weeks after they was posted. :)
Hey Romeo chapter 14 . 1/4/2013
I love this so much! So many emotions all wrapped up in one big, amazing, fantastic, awesome story. :)
Hey Romeo chapter 13 . 1/4/2013
"Yeah, I found the good stuff … you." - so that quote is just too darn cute not to mention. I absolutely love these guys, they're perfection, even when all hell is breaking loose around them with all of these homophobes. :)

And the ending... I was... half-expecting that? If that makes sense? When he first mentioned using condoms, I was like "Hmm...?" But then I was like, "Maybe he's just smart." I don't know, it did cross my mind, with John's history, that he could have something...

This adds an entirely different twist to the story, and I'm curious to find out more!

And yes! You can reply to comments! I absolutely love that feature, since I'm hugely into conversing with authors/readers about the works I've read/wrote. It's a lot of fun, and you get to go even deeper into certain aspects you've reviewed on... or that people have reviewed from your story, if you're the writer.

Good job on this! I think it might just be my all time favorite slash story on FictionPress, and I've read A LOT of them.
Hey Romeo chapter 12 . 1/4/2013
I officially love Silvana. She is the BEST! xD I'm really glad Daniel has her, considering everyone else seems to have turned on him. Also, I realize I called Lars by the name of Martin in my earlier review. Oops, my bad!

I have to admit, I REALLY loved the way Jacob spoke to Marcel's class about the text message/photo. It shows how confident he is in his sexuality and how he won't let people walk all over him or hate him, just because of who he is. Not everyone would be able to stand in front of a group - even kids - and talk to them about rumors and sexuality. Jacob is a great man, and I hope his students look up to him. I would, if I had someone like that in my life.

I did love the scene after the movie, where the woman was ready to make a move on Daniel, but Jacob showed up all romantic and stuff and claimed him as his. 3

On another note, sort of unrelated to the plot... My old high school English teacher totally used the silent treatment, and it really does work. It's weird, really.
Hey Romeo chapter 11 . 1/4/2013
Oh my God... Robin told... I... I can't... ROBIN! Seriously, this kind of thing, it can ruin a career for a guy. Especially considering Marcel said Jacob liked to watch the male students. I can't believe it. This is so dramatic! It's heartbreaking! It's fantastic!

I miss Jacob/Daniel scenes though; even if it's just texts, I miss it. :(
Hey Romeo chapter 10 . 1/4/2013
Uh-Oh, shit's about to hit the fan! Daniel is outed to a lot of people in this chapter, and I'm very disappointed in Martin and Greta for their reaction. :/ Although I was expecting it... Oh well, can't please everyone, right? I hope things work out for Daniel, and I really hope they work out for Daniel and Jacob.

I don't know whether I want to punch Marcel in the face for what he said at the end, or hug him 'cause he was crying on the track. :( Poor kid. I love the friendship between Erika and Jacob; they're so... natural and real, you know? Everything about this story is realistic... The innocence portrayed by Carmen was very realistic, and quite of funny-cute, you know?

Keep it up! I think I might finish this whole thing tonight... and I don't want to finish! It's too good! They do say every good thing comes to an end, right?
Hey Romeo chapter 9 . 1/4/2013
OH MY GOD! I loved it! And the ending! It was BRILLIANT!
Hey Romeo chapter 8 . 1/4/2013
Holy fuck... I can't even... That was perfect. 33333
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