Reviews for Capricious Infection
SobrietyInsanity chapter 13 . 1/27/2013

I thought for sure it was capriciouscarnage. But I'm kind of glad that it's Tarvos because dear god he was fucking epic in this chapter! He definitely had me fooled. On a side note, David and Dante's fights were hilarious. The whole chapter had me going.
roxy chapter 13 . 1/27/2013
omggggg...tarvos is totes the grand high messiah! i thought he might be! oz helped him too. this whole chapter was epic and totally worth the wait. dante turned into a badass at the end, too. i think he's chaos now. this made my week.
Eden Ellegory chapter 13 . 1/27/2013
roxy chapter 12 . 1/24/2013
oh my fawking gaddddd. the next chapter will be the grand high messiah's unveiling! i am so excite! update already gal! i am like, bouncing off of the walls.
Inu-Inu's Midget Friend chapter 12 . 1/23/2013
Dante's been increasingly mad. If the time rips are caused by Chaos' anger then Dante if he's Chaos, is causing them. I made a great connection here. Why has no one noticed this?

Hmmm, did Lannad run into capriciouscarnage, Oz or Tarvos? Doubt it's Oz. I don't think Oz is the Grand High Messiah. I think he's Time or something realated to it. Dante is Chaos...gotta be. Tarvos or capriciouscarnage is the Grand High Messiah.
I'm just waiting to see if my predictions are right.
KurlozMakara77 chapter 12 . 1/23/2013
I'm dying to know who Lannad saw! Update soon! I want to know!
MotherHonker chapter 12 . 1/23/2013
I still want to know about Dante not being human. Why Tarvos and Oz went off alone, and who Lannad ran into.
SobrietyInsanity chapter 12 . 1/23/2013
Dante and David's fights are hilarious. David was right though, Dante is being pretty pissy this chapter. I do wonder why Tarvos and Oz went off together in a really small group. I bet those two are planning something. If they're together, then who did Lannad run into though? I'm so interested in your next update!
Ray Chavez chapter 12 . 1/23/2013
It keeps getting better, and not to mention we get to find out who the Grand High Messiah is next chapter. I'm pretty excited! I bet whoever Lannad found is the Grand High Messiah.
TerminalTragedy chapter 12 . 1/22/2013
It makes sense now. Oz is protecting the Earth from all of the people Chaos is bringing in through the time rips he's creating. I'm excited to finally find out who the Grand High Messiah is.
Black Bride Anna chapter 12 . 1/22/2013
I wonder who the Messiah in the game is now. I still think that capriciouscarnage is the Grand High Messiah. I'm sticking with my theory. I think that's who Lannad ran into in the run down building.
Lime-chan chapter 12 . 1/22/2013
Dante's had a big part in this chapter. I like his interactions with David. Lannad seems like she's onto something. I wonder who she ran into in the church. The Grand High Messiah?
Musty chapter 12 . 1/22/2013
I wonder who Lannad saw?
piperwilde chapter 1 . 1/19/2013
You have a very intresting writing style, I like it. It's has a lot of voice which I always find really hard to convey. As for the story it's self, it's intresting. In my honest opinion though I don't think you should have bothered to point out the fact that it's a little unrealistic that Rezzi was so willing to let Tarvos into her house. In the best stories, authors are able to "willingly suspend disbelief" as my old english teacher used to say. Since it's just a story, I would have honestly believed it. Anyway, It's cool, I like it, intrested to see what happens next.
roxy chapter 11 . 1/18/2013
you know, when i read the earlier update, i was wondering whey david made that face but it didn't seem important for whatever reason. now i see why. well played. dante's mystery is pulling me away from the grand high messiah this cannot happen! i NEED to know how he iiiiiissss.
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