Reviews for Capricious Infection
Guest chapter 42 . 2/20/2015
Oh, once again you have done it! You have shown how horrible Oz is and done it so nicely. I can't wait to read more!
LuckycoolHawk9 chapter 41 . 2/20/2015
I love this chapter! However, this one wasn't as polished as some of your others. You wrote 'Danted' once and 'Either' when you meant neither, but these were few and far between. Perhaps a once over of this chapter might be in order. Otherwise, great work as always. I will love some more.
Black Bride Anna chapter 44 . 2/16/2015
I'm crying. Tony in a dress is beautiful! If he ever tried to get into a relationship with Karkatta that's exactly how it would be. I am convinced.
KurlozMakara77 chapter 44 . 2/16/2015
Karkatta is a girl? I am happy with that.
Kurogane Black Ninja chapter 44 . 2/16/2015
They mystery with Karkatta has been solved and I think her presence is more important than she lets it on to be. It'll be interesting to see what the next chapter holds, since I think it's something about Ares' involvement with the Arcane.
TerminalTragedy chapter 44 . 2/16/2015
Dang, I was wrong. Karkatta is literally a butch looking girl. I loved the fight scene between she and Tony and how Tony was put into a dress. I'm laughing really hard at that. You go girl!
MotherHonker chapter 44 . 2/16/2015
I had the feeling Karkatta was a girl.
Lime-sama the Second chapter 44 . 2/16/2015
I was right! She IS a girl!
Malarky chapter 44 . 2/16/2015
Karkatta is a girl? It makes sense. She kind of acts like a sassy girl. Tony in a dress is funny. I laughed a lot at that scene.
Inu-Inu's Midget Friend chapter 44 . 2/16/2015
I am not really a fan of the goofy antics chapters, so I felt half-hearted about it. There wasn't anything added to it besides the fact that we learn Karkatta is female. Towards the end it got interesting with Ares talking about the Dradel and the Arcanes. I've been interested in seeing why the Arcanes hate Ares so much.
Axis Tripper chapter 44 . 2/16/2015
This chapter was humorous, but I'm interested in the end where Ares says This fairytale isn't all it appears. What does he mean by that? Is there something about the Arcanes that I'm missing?
King Corn chapter 44 . 2/16/2015
I was right. We found out Karkatta's gender and got to see the manliest character in a dress. I will forever have that image of Tony in a dress in my mind. Funny and awesome chapter.
RadicalRadicals777 chapter 44 . 2/16/2015
Katkatta is a girl? I actually wasn't expecting that. I thought for sure he was a guy.
Dark Lord Cthulhu chapter 44 . 2/16/2015
This chapter was funny! I know it was probably a filler but you did a good job in putting interesting stuff in there. I'm still interested in Ares' technology and stuff.
SobrietyInsanity chapter 44 . 2/16/2015
Karkatta is a pretty good fighter. She beat the shit out of Tony and made him wear a dress. I personally think that she's probably the Dius/Goddess of misery.
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