Reviews for Whirlwind: A Tranquil Breeze
kiara jasmine chapter 2 . 3/4/2022
Halo Author, My name is Kiara I’m a scout talent from a fast-growing platform. Nowadays werewolf story is in trend and I think your story has the potential to gain more readers on our platform! May I know how to reach you professionally?
Complex Variable chapter 2 . 12/31/2012
Interesting. The every-supernatural-creature-you-can-think-of trope is a little stale, but, I've rarely seen harpies included in it. Certainly, a fresh novelty. :)

The writing style is clear, which is good, and the descriptions that you already have are good—which is ALSO good. :) Still, I'd like to see a little more description—especially of the surroundings/setting and what-not.

The brass-touching-causes-pain thing was nice detail; hopefully, this will prove to be significant later on.

This story should be in the "fantasy" category, though—not "supernatural". It has wizards and magic and hybrids and stuff; hence, "fantasy". ;)

Also, shouldn't harpies (or harpy-hybrids, or whatever...) have wings? Or feathers? Or talons? Or... something... bird-like? :/ (Basically: I WANT TO SEE JETT FLY! XD)

Also, also—what's so special about those damned gloves! I MUST KNOW! XD

You've peaked my interest, it seems. X]

Lidi Millegar chapter 1 . 12/2/2012
This is awesome, and a very good read so far. Please continue, and I hope you delve more into the war w/ Alexa!