Reviews for Receiver of Many
Tizzle Kanikta chapter 7 . 12/12/2019
Had to go buy the book, this is amazing
IloveBISHIES chapter 1 . 6/12/2017
I wanted to know if this book was ever published and under what name? I really liked it when I read it a long time ago and would really like to read it again if possible!

Roxasfleur chapter 6 . 2/10/2016
Just my luck that one of the stories which got me hooked has no more chapter cause the story has been published
PenMasterEm chapter 1 . 6/23/2015
I apologize for not reviewing when I immediately finished reading this story, but I think crongratulations are definitely in order. I'm delighted to know that you're getting published and I'm looking forward to owning my personal copy of Receiver of Many and Destroyer of Light. I will definitely miss reading the entire story on FictionPress since I have a hobby of favoriting the best works I come across. The Receiver of Many is probably one of the most beautiful reconstructions of Persephone and Hades and definitely the most eloquent story I've encountered on this website. I hope you continue writing and I look forward to your future creations.
Beautifully Musical chapter 87 . 4/12/2015
In "The Good Counselor," could you please introduce the romance of Thanatos and Macaria? Though it isn't said outright in Greek myth, it is implied. Thanks and good luck!
amandaleannw31 chapter 1 . 3/21/2015
Holy shit that was good! I couldn't put my phone down reading this! You have a talent, keep it up!
Korik Nightblade chapter 86 . 3/14/2015
I find myself struggling to find the words to properly structure my review for this, because simply saying that "This was amazing! Wow!" would not be enough. It took less than half of the first chapter for this story to capture my attention, and less than ten for it to hold my focus hostage almost entirely. The way that you wrote Aidoneus and Persephone had me quickly caring about them, and the way that they grew as people was a wonderful thing to see. The portrayal of your villainous characters (those truly monstrous, not simply misguided or with clouded judgement) were absolutely despicable, and the resolution of the issues that they caused was very well done. I especially enjoyed the passing of judgement on one particular character, to the point that I was a little too joyous about said judgement. Speaking of misguided characters with clouded judgement, Demeter's precautions and overbearing attitude on the subject of her daughter was both understanding and frustratingly difficult to accept. You portrayed the gods in a way that made them so very human, and flawed, that it was easy to understand or connect with some of them as I watched them progress through the story.

To end my review, I simply want to say that I will look forward to the (I believe this is right) September release of the novel, and I await the upcoming sequel.
xoxokristen chapter 87 . 2/16/2015
Great story! Wonderful read :)
Guest chapter 87 . 1/21/2015
Yes I'm so excited that you're continuing your story
Taraxoxo chapter 87 . 1/22/2015
Looking forward to the sequel and good luck with publishing. Youve put alot of hard work in and I hope it goes well
Dark aisling chapter 87 . 1/21/2015
YES! I am so happy you're continuing their story. You have no idea how much this has made my day.
Isoldel chapter 87 . 1/21/2015
Congrats! Your story was bound to get published with how well written and captivating it is!
Luna chapter 86 . 1/18/2015
A beautifully written rendition of a familiar tale that transforms all the darkness, anger, and pain of the original into a great work of love. Your attention to detail, the rich mythology, and the careful development of Hades and Persephone as characters were all wonderful, and I am delighted to have found this.

Great job!
musicboxmetaphor chapter 84 . 11/14/2014
So, having completed a second read, I realize that I have still been selfish in offering no reviews. So, I've decided to jump around and review in the places that seem to be sticking in my mind. Of course, the meeting with the fates was... quite intense. My hope for a sequel keeps bringing me to this chapter to linger on those three children, who you have remained (understandably) tight-lipped about in your Author's Notes. Let me see if I can parse this together... The first must be Dionysis, though I am not sure exactly what is meant by "twice woven" (perhaps having to do with his birth, then being ripped apart and having to basically be born again as much as his magical mystical second birth is a birth...). The second must be Melinoe. And the third, Macaria (oh how I hope for another story from you which yields a dramatic romance between herself and Thanatos!). Even without a sequel, I enjoy that this chapter, in combination with the visions Persephone and Aidon have during the hieros gamos, offered up a lovely epilogue of sorts. Even still, this all left me wanting more. :P
The Cynical Nerd chapter 86 . 10/8/2014
I've put off reviewing on this final chapter. When I read it, I didn't realize it was going to be the last one. When you didn't update the following week, it was only then I realized that it was complete.

It's been a wonderful pleasure reading this series, and I can promise you I will always come back to it when I start missing Hades and Persephone. I do hope you'll consider writing a sequel, but I will be fine woth whatever you decide. Thank you for this.

Sincerely, The Cynical Nerd
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