Reviews for Human Anatomy
Guest chapter 1 . 9/9/2016
very nice 3
lostlamb chapter 1 . 7/27/2014
So cute. Smiling like a maniac. I loved it.
Ibbonray chapter 1 . 4/3/2014
Oh my, this is unbelievably sweet. Using the human anatomy to spell out "I Love You" is simply ingenius. Beautiful and well written.
Pink Bead Girl chapter 1 . 3/2/2014
This was a brilliant story! It was different and innovative and I loved every minute of it, by the time I got to the end I was just smiling from ear to ear with the sheer joy of your words just jumping off the page. Well done. You're in possession of a wonderful imagination and may it never leave you! Thanks for a great read.
cheer jam chapter 1 . 1/15/2013
Cute story...loved it
goudacheese chapter 1 . 1/14/2013
This is so cute I just want to die. from the cuteness overload. THE LETTERS AND THE SMART PEOPLE ANATOMY NAMES AND IT WAS JUST SO CUTE. That's all. (also sorry I've been terrible at keeping up reviewing Play Dates - I am totally still reading and LOVING it, I've just been too lazy to literally do anything lately, I just sit around and sleep and eat)
nffhkasjfnbsdkjb chapter 1 . 1/14/2013
Ah this was cute XD What you did with all the anatomical names was very very neat, I really like that. Iliac crest just sounds sexy,P

This isn't really a criticism, just me assuming stuff;) but in the beginning I got the impression that Nicky and James were best friends or something and Nicky was pining after him because there is no real hint of there being more than that and them when James kissed his hip and Nicky wasn't all ohmygod I had to do a double take and re-read.

Sweet one shot.

Max-Ashworth chapter 1 . 1/14/2013
Oh my god STAHP IT that was too cute. And I feel like you had too much fun with it, too. x) I've gotta show this to my friend Brittani...she loved A&P, and I know she'd love this. I wasn't sure what James was getting up to until he got nervous...maybe I'll blame that on it being 3am instead of me being stupid.

Cute read!
