Reviews for On the Hunt
Guest chapter 10 . 4/22/2013
I enjoyed this chapter quite a lot. Hope you update sooner than the last time!

Still with you on this,
Guest chapter 10 . 4/22/2013
Na na na na na na na na AWESOME
Misanthrope08 chapter 10 . 4/22/2013
Hey! Great chapter! I like how you always describe the action sequences so well - in this as well as in 'On the Run'. Your Raleigh is a really cocky bastard, I think it's a credit to you that I like him at all [which I do... very much ;) ]

I'm wondering when you're going to give Olivia a break though... I really want to see how Raleigh reacts when he loses D

Anyway, great chapter! Waiting for the next update.

Trish123 chapter 9 . 4/22/2013
Ugh I meant Tori in my earlier review
Trish123 chapter 10 . 4/22/2013
I have been following this story for sometime and it is becoming more and more interesting. I normally don't like sequels because I sort of fall in love with the main characters from the first book and then I don't want to read more about other people around them. It is weird but that's how it is. So I really appreciate that you have scenes with Ryan and Teri in this story too. But that isn't the only reason I love this story. I love the build up, the attention to details and the development of the characters. It is a well thought out story I feel and I have enjoyed reading it. And for once, even though the romantic aspects of this story are really slow in making an appearance, I am not unhappy because there is muted sexual tension coupled with a really interesting story. I can see where it is going (or at least I think I know) but the details make it interesting to read. Please post more chapters and don't abandon us. :)
greenandredz chapter 9 . 4/19/2013
looking forward to an update! great story
Ladyodd chapter 9 . 4/14/2013
hmmm, I wonder how this will play out.

Thanks for the update!
jules chapter 9 . 4/11/2013
GAGH! can't wait for raleigh / olivia action.
stuck in bed chapter 9 . 4/10/2013
This chapter was amazing. I love how Tori convinced Olivia to go by herself because "you're a badass FBI agent." Plus, that means more Olivia and Raleigh time. Which I'm definitely not complaining about. And, as always, it's fun to read Olivia's POV. She's such a likable character. I loved: "I've suddenly taken an interest in Ficcio Jewelry. I was actually inspired by the brochure in your glovebox." That made me laugh.

Of course, Raleigh's POV is perfect too. I love seeing him attracted to Olivia - noticing her dress, feeling a little put off that she didn't comment on how he looked, noticing that she looks great, despite eating so many sweets (oh why can't that be me?).

The next chapter is sure to be interesting, considering Raleigh has his own interests AND Olivia to protect. Well, sorta protect. I'm sure Olivia can manage things on her own. But still.

Two things I caught:

[Well, I wasn't standing out because I didn't belong, anyway.] - Maybe would sound better as "Well, at least I wasn't standing out because I didn't belong" or something to that extent.

["Who're you looking for."] - Question mark I think the contraction doesn't work that much here; sounds more smooth as "Who are", I think.

Can't wait for the next chapter :)
SheJustReads chapter 9 . 4/9/2013
omg! I'm so excited for the next chappie! xD
Carmel March chapter 9 . 4/8/2013
Ah, I didn't get the alert for this chapter either! I apologize about two very late reviews in a row. I am going to send FP a message because that is not okay. I want the alert for this story the moment you post it!

Anyway, onto the chapter. I know I say I love it each time, but that's because I really do love each and every chapter. This chapter was especially fun with Olivia and Raleigh together, exchanging witty comments, mass amounts of sexual tension, and further development of their relationship. Raleigh even realized that he likes her!

I am so excited to see what goes down next. I think it's great that Olivia decided to take matters into her own hands. Really, REALLY can't wait for the next update! :)
Ngoc1231 chapter 9 . 4/4/2013
I'm still on the hunt for a good black dress. Haven't found the perfect one yet. Her's sounds gorgeous though.

And gosh, her effect on him, makes me smile. And I love how truthful she is with him, saying truthfully that she was looking for a gun. And I liked the beginning part with her talking with Tori. I can't imagine trying to fit in and not be paranoid anymore.

Can't wait for the next update!
Clawstrike590 chapter 9 . 4/4/2013
Finally! You updated! Haha.

Great chapter once again and finally some progress Raleigh-Olivia wise. Update soon please!

Still your excited and faithful reader,
Choukou chapter 9 . 4/3/2013
Hee, this chapter was cute :) You can take the direction of this in so many ways, but I'm hoping that it ends up with Olivia and Raleigh in one room at the end of the night ;)
Devilish Kisses chapter 9 . 4/3/2013
Lmao, Raleigh's such a guy! Love it!
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