Reviews for A Hot Mess
Du chapter 41 . 6/16/2016
Oh wow. I seriously, SERIOUSLY love your writing. This story was so good. Real, raw. I don't even know. But I am a fan. Jaimie was a really strong female character (like all your female leads are). Jax was sweet and I love how he wasn't a 2D character, with a difficult background and issues everywhere. How you included Dom and Gary was just so... It made the story seem even more real life. I was NOT expecting Yelena's pregnancy, but I liked how you worked it in. And the this ending, it was so perfect, Dom's interruption included. And the epilogue closed the story so well. Again, thank you for writing such wonderful stories, they are seriously underrated. Wish you the best, can't wait to keep reading more from you!
Jo chapter 41 . 5/22/2015
Such a good story. You write very well. You engage the reader and make them feel invested in the outcome.
Guest chapter 41 . 4/24/2015
i finished your story in a matter of hours. Once i started reading it I just couldn't stop. I don't understand why your it has got such less reviews. This is one of the best stories I have read on this site. It's probably the most under reviewed story. Loved your stories, loved the characters, brilliant work
Elsa Louise Fehr chapter 41 . 10/27/2014
This story was so ironic for me. I'm from Toronto, my name is Elaine, I have a niece named Jamie, I have an Uncle Gary and I knew a Steve in high school.

It's like it was ripped from my life a bit. lol
Guest chapter 41 . 5/31/2014
I feel the need to tell you 'This is an amazing story.' I read a lot of posts on this site and unfortunately many of them seem to be written by a lot of 15-16 yr. olds. Too many grammatical errors and they seem to lose their way during the story, making them virtually unreadable. So, I felt the need to thank you for deciding to include this site in your circle of publishing. I honestly can't wait to read more of your works. Please don't be shy about posting more of your stories.

Thank you!

Barnaby'sBus chapter 41 . 2/1/2014
Great story! I have enjoyed reading every chapter.
Guest chapter 40 . 2/1/2014
Beautiful story with a happy forward to the for taking us on this entertaining journey.
Guest chapter 39 . 1/31/2014
AAAHH... thank u for uploading!you rock
Guest chapter 39 . 1/29/2014
I have been waiting impatiently for updates to this story, which I really really is a love story. Looking forward to the two of them finally meeting up and getting together.
Guest chapter 38 . 1/26/2014
OMG!U UPLOADED!THANK U SO MUCH! please continue this story u awesome person!
Guest chapter 38 . 1/26/2014
I love this story and hope that Jax and Jaimie will finally get together and raise Nate.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/25/2014
Thank u for the new chapter! please continue to update this wonderful story of yours..
update soon please
the unknown anon chapter 37 . 1/21/2014
awesome as always! it was a little fast paced i wished you slowed down a little and explained more on jax's part
Megsi chapter 37 . 1/21/2014
Wow, that was a messed up situation in the last chapter but you managed to make it work.
Yelena has found someone to straighten her out (permanently I hope, I kinda like her) and Jax gets the best of both worlds, he gets a kid and Jaimie (hopefully!) and this way she won't have reservations over not being able to give him any because he already has a son.
I love your story :)
Guest chapter 37 . 1/20/2014
Oh no you have piqued my interest and I am wondering how you will make everything alright between Jaimie and Jax.
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