Reviews for The Genesis
knockmeoffmyfeet chapter 1 . 7/7/2022
Hello there! I would like to invite you to join our platform to present a good quality story to our readers! Send me a message if this offer piqued your interest!
Dinaharun chapter 3 . 1/13/2022
halo author, i am so interested in your work, my name is Dina an editor for a fast growing platform, i would love to offer you something related to your work, may i know how to reach you professionally?
Joeson chapter 1 . 5/2/2021
Not to be overreacting but you're book is totally awesome. You're innate writing skill is what the world should witness. Why don't you publish your book in NovelStar? A lot of readers will love your work.
Guest chapter 3 . 12/25/2019
Pleeeeeeeaaaseeee continue! It's so good!
Dee chapter 3 . 9/22/2018
Such a great surprise to see an update to this story! I've been reading since you were still updating the Apocalypse, so I hope you continue Jake and Hannah's journey because I LOVE IT! You're a very engaging writer.
Sunny211 chapter 3 . 9/3/2018
Hey, great story!
(Just a litttle bit more love would be nice :D)
Eva G chapter 3 . 8/26/2018
I just want to say thank you for not abandoning this story! It's always a treat to see an update because you possess this natural way of writing the spark and chemistry between the characters. My only problem is that it's so addicting and I want to read more! Anyways thank you for the delightful chapter! Can't wait for the next one
Ceri Anne chapter 3 . 8/20/2018
I'm so glad you've decided to continue with this story. I've had to go back and re-read the first one but it's just as good as I remembered and I can't wait to see where you go with this one.
olivia chapter 3 . 8/19/2018
ahhhh i love it. This has such a totally different vibe to me than The Apocalypse did. I thought maybe it'd be really similar, but something tells me that you've got a bunch of curveballs to throw, and I"m looking forward to every single one. I want to say that I want Jannah to get back together already,'m looking forward to their journey and i trust that you'll make it more than worth it :)

A couple requests:
1 - please keep up with updating on a quicker note. I know that writers blcok is real, and it takes time, but i hope that you're in a position where you can dedicate time to these beautiful characters
2 - can you higlight the lyrics of the chapter titles? i've been trying to build a soundtrack but i'm not sure i'm picking the RIGHT song with the titles you use and i want to know what you've got in mind when you're writing.

please update soon! 3
olivia chapter 2 . 8/18/2018
I knew jake was not going to let me down - i love his character (and naturally i love him with isaac(BAE) too lol). I'm so curious to see where this goes because I can think of a few directions, but if your writing is any indication, Ill be wrong every time (and it will still be beautiful and believable writing because ur the goddess).

can you consider-if the title is a song title-putting a piece of the lyric there too? I love stories with built in soundtracks ahaha and it would help me find the song your referring to :)
Olivia chapter 1 . 8/18/2018
I can tell that your writing has matured since the first book, and likewise, so have your characters. I love this transition into college and cannot wait until we see Jake's perspective. Awwww and I love Hannah and Isaac together-i hope even though she's on vacation for this book that they find a way to interact because my heart belongs to isaac 3
SPT.Anon.1 chapter 2 . 7/8/2018
Thats the end)
Guest chapter 2 . 5/21/2018
This needs an update asap.
mysterygirl450 chapter 2 . 10/9/2015
This is really good so far! I can't wait for the next chapter. Seriously, girl, you can write so well!
OrangeSodaRocks chapter 2 . 6/9/2015
Come on, girl, give us an update! :) I was hoping The Genesis was going to get some love since you've been updating other stories again. Please?!
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