Reviews for Now That I'm Gone
Ayesha chapter 1 . 2/17/2013
Dude you got this poetry thing. Free verse, sonnet, ballad, plain old rhymes. You did great in all of them! I have to say, this and your sonnet, definitely on my top two. Not to say the rest of your stuff isn't great as well, it is. Astounding writing you've been doing :)
Scarlet Air chapter 1 . 2/17/2013
You know you are a good writer when you can write a free verse poem and it still flow! It was really good. Sad, but good.
Gabriella F chapter 1 . 2/17/2013
Wow this is awesome! So dramatic, and really got me in the mood. I was browsing through the just-in, and when I saw this, I have no regrets for reading. Keep writing, you've got talent. Lots of it :D